Burlap alternatives?

Norridgewock, ME(Zone 5a)

In the past I've wrapped some sensitive plants in burlap. This year I ran out, and I'm wondering if it works just as well to use the felted ground cover stuff that you use to suppress weeds under a mulch. I'm thinking that stuff is strong, stronger than burlap maybe, and water and air will get through it, although burlap is certainly more porous. I don't cover the top of the plant, just wrap the sides to protect from winter wind. Has anybody used this? Thanks.

Danville, IN

The only problem I can think of is that if the fabric is black, it will absorb heat from the sun's rays and probably damage foliage if touching or too close. Then again, if you use stakes to make an enclosure, perhaps the black fabric will create a little micro-zone of warmer temperatures. If you leave the tops open and keep it off the foliage, it'll probably be fine.

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