Tropical vines and creepers

Atenas, Costa Rica

I am really fun of vines and creepers. The unique problem is that I dont have a lot of space in my garden. I have Pyrostegia venusta, Passiflora vitifolia, Passiflora seemnanii, Petraea volubilis , Quisqualis indica a small plant. Bouganvilleas, Homskioldia sanguinea beautiful plant!, Allamanda, Clitoria and some Araceae that are mostly attractive for their foliage.
I just to have Thunbergia grandiflora (purple and white color), very agressive vine, so I removed from my garden (very sorry).

In my wishing list of vines I would like to get Vigna caracalla, Strongylodon macrobotrys, Mucuna bennetii, Congea tomentosa, Tristellateia australasiae, Bauhinia kackiana it is a vine!! How about you?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi Bignonia!
i also like some vines, my favorite being Bougainvillea. i love its beautiful profusion of flowers, and its so easy to grow! i also have a passion fruit vine, morning glory, bleeding heart, and a jasmine.

Atenas, Costa Rica

Isaac, do you use an arbor or a fence? Mine are on a fence and I built a kind of trellis for my Passiflora vitifolia, hummingbirds love it. I have you seen caterpillars on your Passiflora? Color of the flowers of you morning glory?

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Hi Bignonia,
we have the top half of our fence is a picket fence, so it works wonderful for my creepers. no i haven't really seen caterpillars on my Passiflora, they usually aren't much of a problem here. what i really do struggle with are aphids on my hibiscuses.
my morning glory is a bright blue, very beautiful. i thought i had a picture, but i just checked and i don't. i can take one if you like.
i know you are studying butterflies, so i thought i'd post this picture. they are quite common here, and i see them in the garden from time to time.

Thumbnail by westraad
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's a worthy vine list! I have Mucuna bennetii, but I think there is another vine out there that is more full looking. Mine hasn't bloomed yet, but I'm afraid it might look too much like the Erythrinia x bidwilli shrubs bloom.
I've seen those Thungbergia in Costa Rica...and your right, they take over! I too removed mine from the garden...I am devoid of room for vines now there are so many. I use decorative chains to train them into some of the trees.

Wow Issac, ...that butterfly brings back some memories!! I use to catch those all the time in Monrovia! They are territorial butterflies, and all over Africa ...Precis Clelia is the name.


Atenas, Costa Rica

Thanks for the replies, that butterfly is really beautiful. The host plant is an Acanthaceae= Asystasia sp.
I am sending pictures of a trellises made with fishing line and nylon cord. The picture shows where is going to be the greenhouse for the adult butterflies. I made a trail, covered with plastic to avoid weeds, soon I will add some peebles for decoration. The vine that you can see is a Passiflora vitifolia as well as the one that is growing in the fence on the Hibiscus. It is very prolific. You can see a line of Stachytapherta mutabilis flowers pink color. In the middle of that area a tree of Calliandra surinamensis

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Here more pics.

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica


Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Passiflora on Hibiscus

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

My vine of Sechium edule, there is a "chayote" still hanging from the vine, just guess part of my dinner tonight.

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Bushes of Stachytarpheta, butterflies loves them.

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

I have to identify this Passiflora

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Our front fence is all cover by Pyrostegia venusta (flame vine) and P. vitifolia. during dry season the orange flowers of the flame vine cover the whole area.

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Holmskioldia sanguinea (Cup and Saucer plant) this scandent shrub is one of my favorites!

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

I have to work a lot with this vines. I mean trim them.

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Great vines Bignonia. I have Petraea volubilis which is in the ground but behind some large heliconia so it is just beginning to climb the wall for the sun. I also have a Clitoria in a pot for over a year waiting for a spot in the ground. We are about to do a big change in the garden and I don't want to put much in the ground until it is complete because of the construction. My bougainvillea is blooming on the upstairs terrace but they are in pots as well. It's been so hot lately that I've had to water them almost every day. We need some more rain before the dry season starts.

On my wish list as well are Strongylodon macrobotrys and Mucuna bennetii. I have a huge banyan, about 30 meters, growing on the wall behind the empty house that backs onto my wall. I want to send the red and green jade vines up that tree. I haven't found them here though, I'd love to find a source that ships to Mexico.

Atenas, Costa Rica

I heard that one person near to this town got Strongylodon macrobotrys. This person has a commercial nursery. I hope that very soon they will have some plants for sale we will see!
About Bouganvilleas I have them planted in the ground and some in pots. Those is pots yes definite need some water. This dry season has been longer that the usual. And our wet season supposed to finish at the begining of November. Very weird wet season. This month supposed to be the wettest from the whole year but there were just some important showers.
I cut down Petraea because I made a greenhouse for the host plants for the butterflies, this plant was too big so it was taking too much space. It is a hardy. what I did is when this vine started to grow I installed some large sticks of bamboo near the base of the plant so it was growing around them and this way it behave as a bush. Hope you understand me!
About Clitoria: I have a small plant , it has blue double flowers. It is different of C. ternatea. do you have the same one?

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Yes, my Clitoria has the double blue flowers. I saw it at a restaurant and loved it and they gave me a cutting, it's now fairly large but still in the plastic pot I grew it in waiting for a spot by the rock wall.

I understand about the Petraea, it stays on the bamboo sticks so can't take off any higher? I'm hoping it will cover the top of one side of my wall, I love the way it blooms so much it covers the plant. It's called Sandpaper vine in English because of the way the leaves feel like sandpaper.

I keep looking at nurseries here hoping to find one of the jade vines. I think they would grow well here with water in the dry season. I've never seen one anywhere here.

Atenas, Costa Rica

Yes, you can train the Petraea so it can behave as a bush but you have to trim it regularly,

Here this vine is call "lija" = sandpaper or "raspaguacal"

Atenas, Costa Rica

Entranjera, you can see the part that was left of the Sandpaper vine. It was like 2,50 meters height

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

Wow! I'm so hoping that mine will cover my back wall and give me a wall of flowers. The people behind me don't like any vegetation, I have to watch when they get up and start chopping stuff off the wall because I think they would like to chop my bamboo as well. It's making me laugh to think of the cascade of Lija (we call it that here too) coming down on their side, that will keep them busy.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

your creepers are beautiful, bignonia!

Atenas, Costa Rica

Thanks westraad. Tomorrow I am going to the cloud forest. It is a field trip of my class. I am taking a two months course about butterflies. We are learning about biology, natural history of butterflies and the host plants of each one. You can find info about the butterfly greenhouse where I will visit in internet, It is call Selvatura. Also they have a canopy and hanging bridges. So a lot of activities. I will take pictures!! I know that I will see a beatifull bird called Quetzal and the bell bird amongst a large variety of hummingbirds!!

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

ahhh... Quetzales are incredible birds. We went to the sanctuary in Guatemala, they are the national bird there I believe although there are said to be more of them in Costa Rica than Guatemala anymore.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

You MUST take pictures and post some! we would love to see them!

Atenas, Costa Rica

My trip to Monteverde Cloud Forest Costa Rica. It was rainy, but dissapointed because not really cloudy.Here some picture mostly all taken from the hanging bridges. I didnt see Quetzals but I saw the willd avocado! This bird feeds mostly of this family of plants (Lauraceae). A lot of palms. bromeliads, orchids, tree ferns, Araceae amongst other.

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Pics from the canopy

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Here more pics

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

More pics

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Tree ferns

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica

Rubiaceae Psychotria elata

Thumbnail by Bignonia
Atenas, Costa Rica


Thumbnail by Bignonia
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)


Xai Xai, Mozambique

Gorgeous, thank you for posting them, bignonia! i didn't have a chance until now to look at them.
What is that yellow flower? i have something very similar.

Atenas, Costa Rica

Hi westraad, that plant is a Justicia aurea. It belongs to the Acanthaceae family. It is really a gorgeous plant. Can you send a pic of your plant? Hummingbirds love it,
I am very happy our dry season is beginning. I will continue with the butterfly project. Next monday will finish the Butterfly course. It was very intensive, (form Monday To Friday, from 8:00 to 2:00 p.m) as you know there were some field trips.
Changing the subject, there are a lot of things to be worry, but how do people in your country are preparing for the world soccer champion.

Ubud, BALI, Indonesia(Zone 11)

Can anyone identify this vine? Growing wild on my place in Bali. The Balinese tell me it is edible and medicinal, and I have only a name in bahasa bali for it, not even bahasa indonesia. Perhaps it is quite common somewhere/anywhere else, first time I have seen it in the wild, and never here in cultivation. In terms of the vines in this thread, I love them all, and include the philodendrons in the group as well. Those add so much choice, texture and interest to the "vine" group.

Thumbnail by grazio
Ubud, BALI, Indonesia(Zone 11)

Inter-planting...vines with vines, vines with other plants, for the most interesting affects. For example, here we often see the yellow alamanda growing thru the plumeria--a terrific combo of white/with yellow throat plum with the bigger, all yellow alamanda...great combo. Not good, eventually for the plums, but in the right time and place, stunning. I'm growing some of the blue clitoria (we call them bali sweet pea) with only the white variety of the v. small, lacey vine (mmm, lots of common names for this, also canary vine, but I'm blocking on the Latin for the moment...v. small bloom, very finely divided and delicate foliage. Anyway, the affect of the deepest blue and the white is lovely. Interested in thoughts/suggestions for others on choosing good combos for color, leaf shape/interest, with other vines or inter-twined with other plants....thanks.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It looks like a Air Potato
Dioscorea bulbifera
I do the "inter-planting with vines too...!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

The leaves can grow up to 15 inches across. The vine grows a potato looking, and size type seed falling to the ground and growing new vines. I believe it is originally from Central/South America, and has learned to adapt to non tropical conditions going dormant during the North U.S. winters and growing a new when the temperature warms up. It does not appear here until it becomes hot, and the temperature doesn't fall below 60F.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Atenas, Costa Rica

Hello Grazio and rjuddharrison
Yes it is a Dioscorea.
I lived in the Marshall Islands so we went to visit Bali. I visited Ubud (I remeber the hotel Alam Sari) and a Botanical Garden up in the mountains. I got two small books Tropical Flowers of Indonesia and Tropical plants of Indonesia. Talking about vines: Solandra grandiflora (a woody creeper) = Indonesian name: Solandra kuning emas. I don t have it in my garden but definite is a beautiful kind of vine, big flowers tipe of yellow bells. Antigonon leptopus Bunga berteh, called Mexican creeper. You also find there Strongylodon macrobotrys jade vine=Stronglodon. native of the Philippine jungle. Can you imagine this vine in your garden? I know that somebody introduced it to Costa Rica. I am still waiting for some cuttings!!AHHHHHH Mucuna bennetii New Guinea Creeper, Mukuna New Guinea, according to this book "Probably the most showy of all tropical climbers" I am envious!!
How about Quisqualis indica Rangoon creeper=Ceguk, Wudani, Kukalis, Akar Dani.
Petrea volubilis Sandpaper= Petrea mera. Bouganvilleas, Clitoria, Ipomoeas, Allamanda, ............

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