looking for tropical seeds

Kerkdriel, Netherlands


I am looking for tropical seeds of all kinds. I have a garden with exotic plants like palms and bananas etc. Most of them I'll bring inside for the winter. I also have a big collection of tub plants. I am a member of the Dutch orangery club. And I love sowing seeds.
So I hope some of you can help me to make my collection bigger. I also have seeds in return.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hallo Leeuwtje,

I got some tropical seeds in trades. I can't grow tropical plants here. And next month I'm expecting seeds from South America. Have a look at my website, especially 'Exchange only', to see what I have at the moment. www.seedsite.eu

Nu maar even in het nederlands, dat gaat makkelijker. Ik hoop dat je ook niet tropische zaden te ruil hebt, want, zoals gezegd, ik kan ze hier nauwelijks groeien. Maar kijk toch maar even op mijn wishlist op mijn site, er staan wat tropische zaden op die ik voor iemand anders zoek.


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