How do YOU organize?

North Augusta, ON

I had a pretty good system I thought. I write everything down in a notebook. Lately I've had some close calls ( almost having the hydro shut off ) because I've wrote down so far back how much I promised them that I forgot about it.
Sticky notes don't work since they always end up on the cats tails.

Now it's getting harder. School stuff, my bills and banking and appointments, Moms bills and banking and my Brothers banking. I've tried writing it all on a calendar on the computer but can't make things update automatically or remind me.

Let's hear some ideas, how do you all organize?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Not anal about stuff like that. Mostly in my mind. If I forget to pick up a kid - they seem to find their way home - much to my chagrin.

North Augusta, ON


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Seriously, I do use the cell phone alarm to remind me to get them.

I am still an old-fashioned list person, though I try to keep them brief.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

All my household bills go in one place and I just review weekly to see what needs to be paid. Special school activities are put on the calendar and the regular school calendar is posted next to it.
My business bills are kept separate from household items and I use Quickbooks for that. We also have a dry erase board for scheduled maintenance by month(for those of you that don't know, we run a HVAC biz) and any special jobs.

If it's an unusually crazy week I need a to do list.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I also use my calendar for many things. Pay very few bills. Most are set up for auto withdrawal.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I do pay some bills on line, but for some reason I do not trust that auto withdrawal.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have all my utilities and my city taxes on a budget plan and automatic withdrawl and have done for many years. I also get all my bills online so no more collections of paper - probably saving a few trees! ( I just have to remember to check the bills when I get a reminder about them)
Other than that everything gets written on a calendar that lives in front of the computor and phone on my desk with large squares. I even write all my cheques ( not so many nowadays) in a loist on the side and cross them off each time one clears my account - which I also check on line! I transfer credit card etc payments on line too.

Of course Im retired and dont have kids or grankids or close family so that probably helps me to stay organized.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I have a calander by the phone and write stuff there, everyone can see it. Bills kept in one place and go through it weekly.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

I use a big black plastic bag. All junk stuff goes in before it accumulates. it sits near the mailbox.

I called my bill people and try to get the due dates changed to same time or day of the month.(to coincide with income) That way I pay bills once a month and be done with it.

If theres something that is to be paid other than that week or date, I try to pay it soon as I get it. (cause I'm notorious for forgetting).

North Augusta, ON

That's my biggest problem...forgetting. Mostly because I never quite know when I'm going to have the money to pay them. A lot of the time the bills get put aside for more important fixing the car or, now that it's winter, the oil bill comes first. Then I get a notice so I call them and make payment arrangements...then I forget what the deal was I made ^_^
My Brother will call and say something like:
pick up prescription Tues., get him some cash Wed., cash his check Thurs. and I get all of that mixed up with what Mom wants and end up forgetting what it was I needed to do...

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

We have a calendar in the kitchen for everything, bill due dates, MD appts, concerts, vacations, and it's in view everyday.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Moose sightings too?? ^_^

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I bought a journal to record moose sightings! I haven't written any down though, so that didn't work.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

In my sewing room I use lists to keep track of what needs doing in there.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i pay everything once at the end of the month - still write checks do not want to be at the mercy of an internet connection or computer virus.
my wife the computer newby and one that still does not use an ATM, has set up automatic withdrawals for the few bills she has - go figure - good thing though as she always forgot to pay bills before or would think its only $15.00 on that credit card, not a big deal, and not pay it.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

I don't use automatic withdrawal - I don't like the idea of other "people" coming into my checking account and taking money in that way. I'm old-fashioned and still write checks.

I've never used a calendar or datebook in my life. All in my head. Which is not such a good thing lately. I've got some kind of chronic thing going on which they can't diagnose and one of the symptoms I've definitely noticed is brain fog! So I started keeping a calendar about three or four weeks ago - although I forget to write things in there, lol!

I do keep my bills in a pile on the dining room table, and I pay them usually twice a month - once at the end/beginning, and once in the middle. So I go through the pile every two weeks and pay what needs to be paid. Not a very good system, I'll admit, but so far it's worked for me.

I just need to remember what day it is, lol! For instance, I can't believe it's the 30th of October already! Glad I saw this thread to remind me to go through the pile!

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