Is this going to make it thru the winter?!

Silver Spring, MD

I planted 4 of these emerald green arborvitae in April and this one looks like it's on it final leg. I feel like if it makes it thru the winter it might be ok overall, what do you think?

Also has anyone had something like this happen? What could have caused this? The other three are doing great, it's just this one that is in trouble.

Thumbnail by wrightlisa
Danville, IN

This could be die-back from a number of causes, none probably disease. If you have any moles, their tunneling could have resulted in parts of the shrub dying (from parts of the root system dying). If you have voles, they could have eaten some of the roots with the same result.

Another possible cause is too much shade where it is, but that is more unlikely. Finally, if it was handled too roughly, selective branch die-back would occur, but that would have shown up within weeks of planting.

The parts that are green will probably live through the winter and beyond. Just trim the dead branches off and see what happens when it grows next spring. If they are guaranteed, I'd take it back to where you bought it.

Barmera, Australia

I'm not familiar with your plant but have a look at the base of the dying/dead part and see if an old tie on label has been left on and is strangulating that part of the plant. Another possibility is a borer or ringbarking by a rodent or insect. If any one of these is the trouble just cut the dead piece off the plant will soon make up the loss. If you find a borer hole poke a piece of thin wire down the hole to impale the borer.

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