Please identify native tree

Canberra, Australia

I found this on our local nature reserve. It looks quite different from most of the other trees but I suspect its a native. Apologies for poor quality mobile phone picture.

Thumbnail by Robert_Sc
Merino, Australia

It looks a bit like one we have growing in the bush around here that the locals call wild cherry. Brian may know , being more knowledgeable on trees.

Barmera, Australia

I can't see the foliage clear enough to hazard a guess but the "Native Cherries" are species of Exocarpus, E. aphyllus has bare twigs no leaves, E. sparteus has very fine foliage like some Casuarinas but softer, E. cupressaformis as the name suggest foliage like a cypress. They are all semi parasitic so a bit difficult to propagate.
Sorry I can't be more help.

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

It looks to me like one of the native cypress-pines, a Callitris species.

The two most likely in your area are

White cypress-pine - Callitris glaucophylla:
Black Cypress-=pine - Callitris endlicheri:

To me yours looks more like C. endlicheri.

If it is a cypress-pine, there should be some harde angular cones somewhere on the tree. The shape of the cones is the best feature for identifying which species.


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