want to trade?

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

ok here is what i have for trade:
bronze leaf fuchsia celosia
whopper lighthouse salvia
stokesia aster
strawberry corn 2008
marigold simba
salvia lyrata
gaillardia oranges and lemons
blackbery lily mix
fern leaf cypress vine red
eyeball plant
heliopsis loraine sunshine
fuchsia 4oclocks
blue baptisia
pink curly celosia
five fingers celosia burgandy leaves pink
pink fingers celosia

what im looking for:
millet jester
millet purple majesty
cameo morning glory
aristolochia labiata/brasiliensis
clitoria double white lady
clitoria double blue
blue picotee morning glory
split personality morning glory
aquilegia chocolate soldier
akebia quinata chocolet vine
asarina scandens sky blue
plmk if we can do a trade i have more seeds but i havent gotten them cleaned yet thxs again

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have some purple millet seeds that i got in trade, and I will have Split Personality to harvest... once the rain stops.

some of your celosia sounds interesting, and i'd love any Salvia.


Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Would be interested in the whopper lighthouse salvia, salvia lyrata, blackberry lily mix, orange and lemon gallardia. I dont have anything on your want list, but take a look at my have list. Maybe we can trade for something else. Thanks

Taberg, NY

I have fresh asarina scanden seed. would like to trade for eyeball plant seed.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

sounds great

would you think it was fair to send me some European Lily of the Valley Rosea for all the seeds youre asking for? plmk

is yours the sky blue? thats the one i am looking for plmk and thxs

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

I would love to send the lily of the valley to you. No problem
How many do you want, I have plenty

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I just got to thinking about the lily of the valley and realized
I must have picked the wrong type when I picked my have list.
I corrected it, The only difference is mine have the white flowers
and not the rosea, Sorry about that, LMK if you still want to trade

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

sorry but already have the white im looking for the pink but thanks anyway

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

Ok, I would be happy to pay postage on the seeds
Let me know

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I was interested in your strawberry corn if ya still have any

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

sorry but not doing seeds for postage at this time

i looked at your list and didnt see anything,do you have anything not on your list? plmk and thxs

Dayton, TN(Zone 7a)

no problem, lmk if you change your mind

Taberg, NY

moretz: oops, It is a lovely shade of purple if you are still interested.

Thumbnail by mosaicchickadee
Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I have a ton of stuff not on that list Moretz simply cause I don't know most of thier proper names to add them! I have 160 some items I can email it, dmail it, or just post it here. your choice?

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

ok i will,if i have any left ill lyk

sorry wrong color looking for the sky blue

you can send which ever way is comfortable for you ok thxs will be waiting,common names are good too,maybe you have some pics? plmk and thxs

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok here's my list I warn you it's long

2 Syngonium Podophyllum African Evergreen
10 Aloe Vera
3 Aloe vaotsanda x divacata Fire Ranch Aloe
1 Unknown Aloe
1 Amaryllis Apple Blossom
6 Amaryllis Cross Granduer x Benfica
6 Amaryllis Cross Mixed Parentage
1 Amyryllis Minerva
50 Anacampseros Retusa Cacti
120 Anise Hyssop
2 Austocyldropuntia Subulata Cacti
2 Babby Rubber plant
1 Buddleia Butterfly Bush
10 Butia Capitata Pindo Palm
8 Cassia Javanica PInk and White Shower Tree
10 Cercis Siliquastrum Judas Tree or Love Tree
20 Chamaedorea Microspadix Bamboo Palm
10 Chamaerops Humilis European Fan Palm
8 Daylily Little Grapette
2 Hibiscus Cranbury Hibiscus
1050 Impomoea Dark Pink Morning Glories
600 Impomoea Dark Purple Morning Glories
12 Impomoea Various Sweet Potato
50 Hollyhock Double Hollyhock - Maroon
2000 Double Marigold
50 Liatris Scariosa Eastern Blazing Star
1 Ferocactus Sp. Ferocactus
1 Gaura Lindheimeri 'Walgaupf' Pink Fountain
2 Green Ti
1 Red Sister Ti
3 Ti Varigated
1 Hibiscus El Capitolio Sport
1 Hosta Blue 2001 plant of the year
25 Jacaranda Mimosifolia Blue Flowering Tree
8 Daylily Janice Brown"
941 Lily Unknown Lily seeds
10 Lobeila Cardinalis Cardinal Flower
151 Lunaria annua Money Plant
1 Mammillaria Rhodantha pringeri Cactus
1 Mammillaria Senilis Cactus
3 Mammillaria sp. Cactus
5 Mexican Spider Lillies
30 Mixed Double Hollyhock
20 Hibiscus Mixed Rose of Sharon
15 Murraya Paniculata Orange Jasmine
1 High Color Musa
2 Musa
2 Philodendron Pink Princess
1 Oreocerous Trolli Cactus
200 Papaver Orientale Princess Victoria Louise" Poppy
200 Papaver Orieantale Brilliant" Poppy
1 Philodendron Stenolobum
1 Philodendron Giant radiatum
1 Philodendron Davidsonii
1 Opuntia ?
300 Papaver Somniferum Drama Queen" Poppy
3 Parodia Leninghausii cactus
1 Parodia Magnifica cactus
10 Passiflora Actina
10 Passiflora Alata Red Grenadilla
15 Passiflora Edulis Purple Passion Flower
10 Passiflora Foetida Love-In-A-Mist" maypop
10 Passiflora Ligularis Sweet Grenadilla"
1 Pasiflora x belotii
1 Passiflora Blue Eyed Susan"
10 Passiflora Maliformis Rosy Passionfruit"
10 Passiflora Mollissima Banana Passionfruit"
1 Pedilianthus Tithymaloides Variagata
15 Phoenix Roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm
414 Hollyhock Double Pink Hollyhock
5 Pink Orchid Tree
100 Papaver Pink Poppy
20 Tulip Pink Triumph "Don Quiotte" Tulip
50 Plumeria Luc's Special Mix"
15 Plumeria Maui Beauty
100 Papaver Mixed Poppy seeds
500 Papaver Heavenly Angels Poppy mix
9 Red Canna
20 Rhoeo Spathacea Tropical beauty
3 Arrow Head Vine
1 Variegated Spiderplant w/pups
8 Green Spiderplants
20 Schefflera Actinophylla Octopus Umbrella Tree
3 Schefflera Vaiegated
1 Sinningia Country Shortcake
1 Sinningia Danialle
2 Sinningia Flair
4 Snake Plants/Mother in Laws Tongue
8 Peacock Orchids
25 Orchid Gladiolus
500 Clematis Sweet Autumn
151 Sweet Pea Vine?
10 Tabebuia Rosea Pink Poui or Pink Trumpet Tree
30 Tillandsia Utriculata Giant Air Plant
1 Rose Green Ice Miniature Rose
1 Rose Antique Lace Miniature Rose
8 Rose Sugar Plum Miniature Rose
1 Rose Orange Miniature
1 Rose Pink Fairy cushion Bushy Miniature
1 Rose Bright Red Miniature Rose
1 Rose Dark Red Miniature Rose
1 Rose Pink Weeper Tree Rose
5 Rose Patio Tree Rose Red & Yellow
4 Turtleheads
40 Cactus variety Mix
200 Papaver Double Peony Poppy Venus
20 Washingtonia Robusta Mexican Fan PAlm
1072 Yucca Buccata Yucca
1 Cataract Palm
1 Fitonia White Brocade
1 Peperomia
3 Jasminum Polyanthum Pink Jasmine
15 Vinca Major Variegata Variegated Greater Periwinkle
1 Agave bovicornuta 'Reggae Time'
3 Persian Shield
6 Dracaena Spike
6 German Ivy
9 Iresine "Purple Lady"
1 Ficus Benjamina Weeping fig
1 Peace Lily
1 Ficus Elastica Green
2 Ficus Elastica Burgundy
1 Bottle Palm
100 Double Yellow Datura
1 Black Magic Elephant Ear
5 Green Elephant Ears
2 Dracaena of some sort gets real tall
1 Parlor Palm
1 Dracaena Bushy NOID
1 Miniature Juniper
1 Asparagus Fern
1 Giant Elephant Ear
1 Elephant Ear "Illustrus
15 Fiber Optic Grass
3 Diffenbachia
1 Sun Coleus
1 Chocolate Mint
1 Lemon Verbena
10 Wandering Jew - Purple Heart
1 Lemon Tree
1 Lime Tree
1 Orange Tree
1 Tangerine Tree
1 Olive Tree
1 Unidentified Baby Palm
1 Dracaena Fragans Janet Craig Compacta
1 Dracaena Fragans Lemon Lime
1 Epiphyllum Montecita
3 Night Blooming Jasmine
6 Orange Trumpet Vine
15 Ipomoea Purpurea Grandpa Ott's"
500 Amaranthus Oeschberg
100 Unknown Lily
100 Chrysanthamum Tricolor Daisy
600 Single White Hollyhock
2500 Hosta Hosta-Mixed
3 Bears Breetches
1 Caterbury Bells
1 Tall Tenor Phlox-Red
8 Tall Bearded Iris
3 Tulips-from the park
4 Hyacinth-gift pot
3 Verbascum-Mixed
6 Dwarf Asters-Mixed
30 Roses-various cuttings
10 Various roses

I do have pictures of some so just let me know!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL i am interested in some of your stuff,dmailed you lol

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