Does anyone have Blueberry bushes for trade

Ranburne, AL(Zone 8b)

I have looked at Plant files,I ordered some off ebay and they were dead when I received them.Thanks in advance.Sorry for post here but I am desperate to get in ground before it gets to cold . Thanks in advance Just dmail me

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hopefully the vendor will give you your money back. Lowes, which I know is in your area, had great rabbit eye blueberries recently. They came in burlap sacks with handles so you could just dig a hole and plop them in the ground, sack and all! If all else fails, you can try again in the Spring. It would be expensive to ship something as large as blueberry bushes (you need at least two types to get berries). Look for local nurseries in your area for the biggest plants you can afford or you'll be waiting years to get berries. I planted one gallon pots years ago and we are just now able to pick.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Ranburne, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for infro...If you have extra let me know

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