New Use for plastic

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I have been working on fused plastic to make flags,banners,
The finished pieces can be sewn and used for CD cases,Laptop cases.
Garden ornaments etc. almost anything
Save your plastic, frozen vedg bags, Chips bags ,coffee bags with metalic surfaces,shopping bags, anything plastic that has color you want .
use 2 pieces of parchment paper with a iron set on high.
Lay 1 piece of parchment on a work table
Make your arrangement
Lay 2'nd piece of parchment on top, dont let plastic over lap the parchment or it will gunk up the iron.
Slowly iron, you will hear the plastin fusing and shrinking.
When the top layer of Parch. begins to seperate ,lift it and if you want to add more plastic at that time go ahead.
These are some of the banners I made, just first attempts.

Thumbnail by ge1836
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