Things to plant in fall in a shady area?

Battle Ground, WA(Zone 8b)

I have a (new this summer) planter box along the base of a north-facing fence in my back yard (zone 9B). It's pretty shady, both from the fence and from an overhanging Australian Hopbush privacy hedge. Is there anything I can plant this fall that would survive our (pretty mild) winter and give the area some color in the spring and summer? I already have Fuchsias, Hellebores, some Bacopa (blue ones; the white ones apparently found it too shady), and a couple of smallish ferns in the box (it's about 21 feet long and 3 feet deep by 2 feet high). It gets ample water from a drip system. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Lake in the Hills, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a similar planting area but am in a completely different zone than you. Mine is filled with astilbe, heucheras, pulmonarias, ferns, cardinal flower, mini bleeding hearts, mini hostas, an assortment of little geraniums and a touch of corydalis (prolific self seeder)to sprinkle color among all of that. (Edit: How could I forget the toad lilies!?) There's only a few in that mix that cross zones - geraniums, pulmonarias. I might risk late planting on those two. Both are hardy although some cultivars can be quite temperamental. Maybe sedums and other succulent type plants would do okay? Anything that is sold as root or bulb stock could probably go in...

What height are you looking for in the plants you'll be adding? Example, I needed to stay 2 feet and under in my box. It has a back wall that tops out with lawn from the rest of the back yard. Height preferences for plant candidates will probably help others to make suggestions. Hopefully people more familiar with your zone! :)


This message was edited Oct 17, 2009 2:07 PM

Battle Ground, WA(Zone 8b)

Sharon, thanks for the suggestions. As far as height, probably anything under about 4 feet tall would be okay. I'd been thinking about some pulmonarias and toad lilies -- is this an okay time of year to plant them?


Lake in the Hills, IL(Zone 5a)

You're welcome but sorry - I don't know if these are okay to plant in your area now or not. Toad lilies are going dormant in our area - still blooming but slowing down. Too late to plant here as they may not get their roots going before frost. Pulmonarias stay evergreen through the winter and have those nice thick leaves so those might be okay.

Suggestion: If no one familiar with your area pipes up, ask at the local nursery or if purchasing online, give a call and ask.

Best of luck and hope you get the rest of the info that you need :)


Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

good luck

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

I have a lot of toad lilies in z8 and can any one tell me if they will survive. I can take them up but would prefer not to. Thanks. Elaine

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

flowering tobacco, wax begonias, oxalis, baby blue eyes, forget me nots, primrose, foxgloves, columbine, bleeding hearts, abutilon. You can plant anything now and it will be ideal, growing roots and getting rained on, then growing beautilfully in spring.

Galt, CA(Zone 8b)

Lobelia and allysum can do well in shade, and they are both pretty when trailing out of a box. I have also had luck with growing snapdragons in shady areas, and they are fabulous while flowering in spring. These might be good temporary choices (all annuals) until you decide on permanent plants.
Forgot to mention Johnny-jump-ups, my favorite winter shade plant!

This message was edited Oct 30, 2009 8:22 AM

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

astilbe, our native mimulus (monkey flower), larger violas too (pansies) campanula (the small and the tall).

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I love campanulas. There is a trailing variety "Blue Fals" that I plant in the ground and let it act as a ground cover.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

.Campanula porchenska? Blue Falls
Bluestone plant 2008 last year.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

Brunnera is really sweet too. has heart shaped leaves and forgetmenot like flowers.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Love Bruneras Jack Frost and Looking Glass live here
this is Looking Glass

Thumbnail by ge1836
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Kamikid, sorry just saw your question about Toad Lilies! It's not necessary to lift them in Z8, most of them are hardy to Z5 or even colder :)

ge, nice photo of your Looking Glass :) Jack Frost always looks great here but for some reason Looking Glass...not so nice :(

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Looking Glass makes a nice companion for the hostas. it doesnt shout.

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