Cottage Garden Seed Swap and Chat #42

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lala -- i was that way too about cleaning seeds... well, not to your extreme of using a but i did my best to get every speck out of the seeds... this year, as it is getting harder on the eyes and hands [dang carpel tunnel] -- some seeds will have chaff.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Hello everone!

Here is everything that I have for swap:
Blue Borage
'Alaska' Nasturiums(not many left)
Lots of Zinnias, like 2 kinds of species and thumblina and cut and come again
Celosia spicata
Dwarf Cleome
LOTS!!! of 'Queen' cleome and violet, white and rose colors separated.
some mixed Sunflowers
'Enchantress' Zinnias(the ones that change colors every 6 hours, a few shades lighter.)
'Polka Dot' Bachlor's Buttons

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

I found some more:
Catnip seeds
Cosmos, enough to landscape the entire state of Ohio and then some!
'Victoria' Sage(cuttings)
Seeds for common sage

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


Cosmos, enough to landscape the entire state of Ohio and then some!

ROFLMAO!! I remember the first year I collected Cosmos seeds... couldnt let one of them hit the ground... I had tons of them.

Which Cosmos do you have??

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

That was a great link, Star. The ones I have drying right now are molding. So, I will just go out and get more berries and start over.

I decided that I just don't have the time, eyes, and patience to get all of the chaff off some of my seeds. I am doing my best, but unfortunately, there will be some. I can't find my tweezers to pick out what I can't seem to get with my fingers. I feel better about it knowing I am not the only one.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm having a harder time trying to clean seeds this year too! Down right embarrassing Ha! I've been using a card to scoot my seeds up this little microwave whte tray that helps me see the seeds better and Terese I hear you on the "[dang carpel tunnel]" thing! I worry about being able to pull weeds much longer :) Sounds like you may be getting there too.

The light in here is awful I need to make some changes lol Before I was always in the tv room with a light over my head if I do that now people can see me thru the blinds I'm afraid and with the people next doo I just don't think that is a good thing lol We had six Sherrif cars out front at one time today! They search our back yards, in our trash cans, our garages and surrounded the neighbors house with their hands on their guns! It was a trip to watch! I thought someone had killed someone and they were trying to catch them lol They went into the neighbors and search the house while the other guys were all around the house so they wouldn't get out it looked like then they stood around for a while then left no explanation to us what so ever. One guy even stood under a big tall Maple and looked up in it real hard.

The lady in the trailer up the street they knocked on her door and somehow she got them to show her the picture from the security camera, the store downtown just five minutes away had an armed robery, they thought it might be the neighbors across the street my gosh it was scary lol And then it wasn't even them but they are trouble makers and the one son just got out of jail for reasons unknown. I think they should have knocked on our doors while they were searching and let us know to lock our doors! A lot of neighbors were outside watching to see what was going on, one neighbor asked if we should be concerned and the guy said "oh no mamm everything is alright"!

Haven't heard anything on the news about it if they caught them or not but they never have Greenville on the news unless someone gets killed on the highway we've had a lot of roberies out here in the last few months. Times are getting hard for folks around here!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LeBug, I never woujld have thought of Indiana as a high crime area. That is scary. Too bad. You are right tho. Things are tough all over.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

When I grew up in this house out in the country we left our doors open all of the time and are just now starting to lock them we never had any crime around here, oh the teens would get to going once in a while causing trouble but nothing really serious. I've been telling my neighbors that I want to put security doors on and they would just look at me and I told them it was coming, I think they know what I am talking about now none of us are exempt from crime any more you just don't know what is going to happen anymore there is so much meaness around! And so many people out of work.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

People are just wound too tight also. They fight with each other over the smallest things. But, yes, when they don't have food on the table they are going to go looking for it. Or drugs.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Chaff and small seeds go together like milk and cookies!

I stated on my list which seeds come with chaff ... your choice. :o)

Scarey story Lebug. I know people talk of a recession, but in some areas it is a depression. In some rural area's unemployment is hitting 25% which is depression era numbers.
I wish we had a BIG DOG for protection, as good as a gun they say ... well, I just wish we had a big dog. :o)

Ok, I want to tell you what seed I found out in the garden while I was cleaning it up ....
I have that one Pineapple lily bulb in a protected area that I have given up trying to dig out.
It blooms every year and promply falls over. Well, it had 2 seeds that were ripe, of course I dropped one ... its lost forever. But I will have one Pineapple Lily (Eucomis) lily seed on my list. lol
I just know/hope someone is interested it in ... just be the first to Oink me when my list goes up. ;o)

Off to work .....

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Lebug I was raised that way too, and I'm just glad I got to be in the generation that was able to leave our doors open at night. But I love USA and I have lots of hope that we are going to heal.

Cam anyone tell me about removing seeds from an eggplant. I read somewhere that I could put the bottom part in the food processor to cut up the fruit and remove the seeds, but it seems like it would cut the seeds up too.

Happy Sunday
Only a week to go snort snort

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


and Terese I hear you on the "[dang carpel tunnel]" thing! I worry about being able to pull weeds much longer :) Sounds like you may be getting there too.

The problem I see with that is... I'm about 15 yrs younger than you are. ROFL.... Guess i'm in saaad shape.... or will be.

growing up as a kid in the 70's... we too never locked up. Don't think mom started doing that until the late 70's early 80's. My DH, who lived about a mile from me, they always locked up and were robbed once... so he's really fanatical about locking things up.

In our village, they have a phone alert thing... so we are generally warned when something is a miss... .with having a major highway in our back yards... we some times will get "chases" into our village.... one guy was found hiding in some womens shed... the other one [bank robber/car jacker] luckily he kept going and was found some 15 miles away.... but we were all kept up to speed by automated phone mssgs.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

All of the neighbors were calling wondering what was going on and of course none of us had any answers and the police wouldn't tell us anything, I do have a big dog, well everyone says he is big but he's just a baby to me lol He only weighs 51 lbs. but part chow and I'm sure he would try and protect me but there was a few news clips on tv about people killing the digs when they would break in the house so I'm concerned about his welfare too, he's just the right age he's five yrs. old.

I bought a gun a couple of weeks ago when that boy across the street got out of jail you should see his two friends they look like they should be on the wanted posters! I am comfortable with a gun I used to shoot them all of the time so that's no problem and I will use it if someone tries to break in! I wouldn't have a chance against three teenage boys and my dog doesn't like teenage boys because some teased him when he was tied out so that might be a good thing for now :)

I live close to the highway too just a block off of it and this is the place everyone drops their animals off out here I'm hoping no one comes off of the highway up to no good from what I have heard on the news this is a perfect spot for people to come off of the highway that is up to no good.

Those automated phone mssgs. sounds like a good thing I wish we had those here instead the police seem to not want to scare us!?

I cleaned seeds until 2 this morning lots to go yet lol Still need to do labels and bag and tag :) I still have rudbeckias that I'm sweating too they still haven't gone to seed!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- our last dog, Rex, he was a quarter chow [GSD, Husky, Lab, CHow]... and he didnt like any men... cept for family.... and when he was a pup, there were a few kids down the street that used to tease him and throw things at him [stones and sticks] when he was a puppy ... well he got 'pay back' one day... the older boy, and this was about 6 yrs later... came to the door looking for my son, and Rex saw him - jumped on the storm door [which it promptly opened] he chased the kid home and bite him in the ass. Have to admit -- i did laugh cuz the kid deserved it. Rex never broke skin, just made his point.

Guns give me the willies... DH has plenty .... but i guess if i had to use one for protection, i could do it. My youngest son is also into them [chip off the old block] -- so i guess I'd be OK protection-wise.... plus Buddy has quite the bark... i'd hope that - that alone would keep someone away.

Back to seeds.... I harvested Scarlet MW and Brazilian Bach Buttons today. NOW i think i'm done... not much else out there.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm sure you dont recall me mentioning that I had collected a bunch of Flax over the summer, but the container blew over on my patio.... well, I found them....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Too bad all of our seed germinating isn't quite as easy as that, tcs.
My japanese anemone (the pink ones anyway) seem to be finally making seeds, so I'm wondering how much interest there'll be. I don't want to go overboard collecting more than I need to. Also watching pods form on several tricyrtis, and hoping they'll make some seed. Same question on interest.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

tcs1366, in response to your quote of mine.

I just have 'Sensation mix', 'Picotee' and 'Pyche White'(with the name of "piggies" applyed to all those who want seeds, they would be very greedy to get nice Cottage Gardens seeds so I do not know if it is safe to put the 'Pyche White' up;))

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Did you say bachlor's buttons? I love those! And Brazillian ones too!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is a photo of a dwarf Gaillardia "Indian Summer" is what the plant tag read... pilfered from the same yard as i got the Pink Foxglove [I will have to thank her next year when i see her]

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes... i have fresh Brazilian ones... jsut picked today. And i have regular Bach Buttons... mostly Blue and a mix of Blues and Pinks i think... i'd have to check.


(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Can I have some of those Japanese Anemone?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ohhhhhhhhh -- love that Pyche White. I may have to get some from you.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL Terese you should have even more blue flax seeds for next year! Nice litle seedlings you have there :) Did you transplant any of them, I'm sorry can't stop smiling :))

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Yes,tcs1366, you may have a few, 25 maybe? However, they are not cleaned as fastidously as some;)

Some more stuff I have:
'Happy Days'
'Tangerine Gem' Marigolds
'Peppermint Stick'
'Thumbelina' Zinnias
'Pinkie' Cosmos
Hosta seeds (just collected this morning)


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Sure DASIYS, but I'm just counting heads right now to get an idea, so please oink when the lists go up. This year I'm not listing anything until it gets bagged, so it can go immediately into someone's baggie. It was too confusing trying to keep track on paper last year. Any other interest for the jap anemone?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

bah... a lil chaff doesnt bother me.... and Lea -- if they are blue, and sprout again in the spring... I'll try to gently pull them out of the sand and plant them.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Finished my seeds today, Whew!!
37 different kinds of seed, over 200 bags. Bagged, tagged, and inventoried in a spreadsheet. Ready to go for Nov 1st.

I still have more drying, but that is it, I'm done for a while....

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)


A big YES on interest in tricyrtis.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Terese, those seedlings are so cute- I gotta go look for Flax seedlings now! I thought I'd missed my chance to get seeds from mine, and moved them to another spot a couple of weeks ago. They had been planted as a clump of seedlings last year, so I divided them in hopes that will invigorate them to give me another nice show next year. While I was replanting them I realized there were still some seeds in the pods, so I sprinkled them around the area.

Perenniallyme, I'd like to try Japanese Anemone too.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I have loads of pods on my Tricyrtis, and I'm keeping a close eye on them. Hope they have time to ripen- if they do, I'll have plenty.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Ok Patricia and Neal. Yes - lets hope for good weather a while longer for the tricyrtis pods. I have organza bags over several kinds. I think the japanese anemone will be easy to deal with, but come surrounded by fluff, so I'll just get a bunch if I can.

Does anyone know about moist-packing seeds? I haven't gotten any answers yet on the seed forum and couldn't find anything in a search, but apparently some of what I collected isn't too long lived (aconitum, corydalis,..?) and when you can find them commercially, usually come "moist-packed". What exactly does this mean? I wouldn't want to do anything that would rot them.

PS Neal, we should compare tricyrtis varieties.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

PPS Patricia, you know I have to divide some of my tricyrtis in the spring, and you're not very far away.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Mine are Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' from Bluestone. I'm curious about the moist packing too. I have some Monks hood that looks like the seeds may ripen this year. They still have gorgeous blooms now.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

new thread.....

come on over........... ==== >

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