Cottage Garden Seed Swap and Chat #42

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread in anticipation of the 2009 Piggy Swap... starting roughly in a lil 2 weeks.

we came from here....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Me first! Me First heheheheheheh . Don't want to get left behind. : )

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

i'd still beez here.....walloping in the mud.......dreamin of seeds!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I just gotta toss in here... I am so stoked about my Atlas gloves..... with s&h, my gloves averaged $3.30 a pair... when in stores i've seen them between $5-8 then to add our outrageous sales tax....

I'm so glad we still have Co-Ops. that and piggy seeds swaps and i'm a happy camper... errrrr, gardener.

Star --- good to see ya!! *wink*

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

jx ... cross posted... Good to see you too.

too cold here to wallow... so i'll just hang out at the trough.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm number five! Gosh usually I log on and I have soooo many postings to read through!

Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of a rose I grew from seed this year.

Thumbnail by Seandor
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Rats tcs1366 - you beat me posting - now I'm number six!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- that is just beautiful!! and you grew it by seed and it bloomed the first year??

heck, i just may have to try Roses by seed.

and .... i'm bored silly. We are still up north, it is cold beyond cold for this time of the season... they just turned off the water today [we are in a seasonal RV park] so i really have nothing to do. ... just hanging out waiting til i meet jsweld for dinner.

i've walked the dog twice, pilfered seeds.... not much else left to do. .... but sit here, posting....

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Than means ,I'm seven. Yeah!!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Beautiful Rose! Is it hard to grow roses from seed?

Freezing our tushies off here.. for SC anyway. It's going to get down to 40 degrees... and we're going to be in a tent! Well, the hot chocolate sure will taste good, and I'm bringing some seed baggies just in case :)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

yeah! I am really pleased with this little rose. I also have three rugosa roses - but I don't expect them to bloom until they are much older.

Rose seeds have to be chilled for about three months, then I soaked them over night and planted them. I had lots that survived until we went on holidays for six weeks this summer. I will definitely try some more this winter - just for the fun of it.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Well, its not too cold down here to wallow in the mud!
made 75 yesterday, sunny and then the wind comes up in the afternoon, but nothing to get excited about.

Boy, it sure is cold in Wis. and I still have peonies coming along with 2 boxes of lilies.
Won't that be fun?


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

My poor old peonies have the stems all black and waiting for spring of next year to get here
The temp. here is 54 degrees. Rain has finally let up and the wind is blowing in ever so
gently. Nice day. Been in and out all morning dragging things in.

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, all! That gives me an idea of how much seed to save of the : Heirloom Zinnias- Pink/purple shades, 3-4 Foot tall, double flowered, 4-5" flowers, prolific bloomers. These are the "big guys" and so great as cut flowers. Yesterday 2 little 7 year old neighbor girls came for their bouquets. It was so cute. But I will let the remaining flowers be, to dry for the Swap. Anybody else, just holler.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, please, I would like to try some.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Maxine... you must be on vacation... i dont think Wisc has seen 75 since Aug.
we didnt even hit 40 yesterday... and today the sun is shining, but still not 40 yet.

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Just came in from planting daylilies, Amsonia hubrectii, moved a big (Sum and Substance) hosta, which took me awhile, heucherella and Asclepias. Got all the plants in. Next, the bulbs another day. Why do I do this to myself???? :--)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

sandnsea, I also would like to try some of your zinnia's if you have some left? Just put my name on package if they are any left, ok?

tcs, yes we are in N.M. visiting our oldest daughter. Lovely weather, but I am worried about getting bulbs and peonies in the ground. They weren't there when we left and haven't heard if they came in the mail since we left, as our youngest daughter picks up the mail on Sat. I have it saved and then delivered on Sat.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

sandnsea2, there are a few folks on here that like zinnia seeds bring them on :)

It's 40 here and suppose to get down to 35 Saturday night guess I'd better get my elephant ears in today I still have three to dig up lol I called to get some more soil less mix to bring them in the house today and repot up but can't get it until Monday. My soiless mix has that white mold on it so I'll have to sterilize three gals. of it today.

Seandor is that one of the antique roses I was just wondering a person on here told me once they were the easiest to start from seeds and would bloom the first year I've never tried them I have no luck with roses at all I've managed to keep my mom's rose going that she planted a long time ago she had two really but those poor things are just sticks with blooms on them just barely hanging on lol Yours is such a pretty little rose :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Snansea. Yp save all the Zinna sed ya cna. They a big hoit in the swap and oodle s of folks wil be wantign them.

Seandor... Beautiful Rose. I been tryign to gathere d ros e hips up, btu dang squirrels keep beatignme to them, just a s they star to get to the pickign stage. Critters are climbing onthe bushes , prickers and all gettign them. Pilerfered oen hip from next door s roses yesterday that wa s still left. When they finisheating mien they go munch theirs.

It just down right plain cold here and soggy been rainign since yesterday and all night and the wind blowing hard.

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Ok, so far looks like I have zinnias held for : NBGARD, TCS1366, GEN2026, Starlight1153, Seandor, Ridesaredmule, Maxine, LeBug.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

thank you sandnsea.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

How long before the Piggy Swap?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

November 1

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you sandnsea for thinking of me but I was just saying a lot of people on here can use the zinnia seeds I don't really plant that many myself the wind here always blows them down. I planted a really beautiful one a couple of years ago and almost as soon as the blooms came they all ended up on the ground I have to be choosy on how many plants I stake and the zinnias are too hard for me to stake but they are beautiful flowers my butterflies will just have to do without zinnias here :) I do plant the profusion series but they are shorter :)

See you have seven people already that just have to have them!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm wondering... are there WHITE zinnias?? I think that would look awesome in my flower beds... and i agree... the butterflies just love Zinns.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have some but they have yellow center.
It has been raining and still looking pretty.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm saving white profusion seeds tcs but you probably have those. I've never seen taller ones that are white I did run across a white one with pink in the middle yesterday while surfing around the net but don't remember where it was I went a lot of places lol

WOW look at these they are pretty!

Found this from DG's:

And this:

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, no fair. I'm saving my best seeds for this swap, and you're already over here dividing seeds up before anyone even has a chance to post their wish list . What's that about?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I saving my seeds for the swap too. We all suppose d to be . It usally liek this wher e people start getting anious and chattign what they have and what they would like, but they still supposed to post it and let folks oink for it.

Lebug.. You need to plant the Magellan series. They have huge big blooms rangign from about 4-5" wide but the plants onyl get abotu a foot tall. I don't have white but have Ivory and 7 other color s a few seeds that wil be going in the swap.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm still posting mine and having people oink for them usually we seed people have all kinds coming out of our ears anyway and still have more left after giving a bunch away lol

Star I googled those and they are pretty! I always thought most zinnias were tall, thank you :)

Hyannis, MA(Zone 7a)

Hi, Maozamom, I AM saving a load more of the Zinnia seed for the swap. Since I am new to this, I didn't know how much seed to save of the Zinnias. It is so much work, that I didn't want to save alot if folks would not be interested. How many people are in the swap?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've got several fat packs of Zinnia seeds too, various heights and varieties. Star, I LOVE those Magellans! My favorite Zinnia I've ever grown- the biggest, fluffiest blooms, on the neatest little plants! I'm glad you're going to have some to offer, I didn't grow any this year and really missed them. I wish I'd saved seed from them, but I figured a lot of the offspring would get taller. But I had one show up as a volunteer seedling, and it stayed short and bushy.

toofew, I'm so glad you're saving Helenium seeds, I think they're gonna be high on my list. I had 2 seedlings from the last swap that survived the onslaught of slugs and actually bloomed! A yellow and a deep garnet red, both must be moved to a spot I can see them better.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- thanks for those links... i've added the WHITE to my wants list.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Your welcome!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Its getting cold here too. There will be snow in the mountains - glad I'm not there. I have a lot of borderline zone plants that I have to take up too. It FEELS like November 1st LOLOL

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm confused too. I go away for a couple of days (have I mentioned lately how much I hate math?) and I see that the date has been set for the swap and you all are swapping seeds already. I'm all nervous that I've already missed out on some good seeds and the swap hasn't even started yet. I don't think it has? LOL

I guess I should go to the other forum and see what's going on over there.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lala ... i dont think we [yes, i'm guilty of it too] are more asking if we should save a certain seed in case someone wants it... if no one wants it, then why save it. I think that is more of what is going on here.... plus, as George said.... it FEELS like Nov 1st.... so we all have the itch.

and OH.... how i loved math in school.

Wanted to be a CPA, but i'm slightly dyslectic... that wouldnt go over well....

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

im lost too because i dont have very many seeds to trade. im lucky if i have like 5 varieties to trade. my season has been bad this year.

and people trading already. im scared what i have no one will want at all

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

imz ... there are always taker for seeds. This will be my 3rd piggy swap... and even the 'average' seeds go. There is always someone in need.

I think we [as i said... i'm guilty too] should try to refrain from any 'pre' Oinking for this swap, and go back to cleaning, bagging and tagging -- and making our lists.

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