What's your favorite purple/wine colored dahlia?

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

You all have been so helpful coming up with suggestions for a pure white dahlia. So here comes question #2:
What would you suggest for a deep purple or wine colored dahlia? I want one with lots of blooms that doesn't wait till October and has enough tuber production so I can save it for next year. Most important, it has to be gorgeous!!!

West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hilltop Ivan comes to mind, very deeeep purple:

Jennifer's Wedding is sort of wine color, though this picture doesn't capture the depth of it:

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

Currently, I'm obsessed with Storm Warning, eventhough I don't actually have it. Photo courtesy soilsandup; from her post, dahlia courtesy of todgor!!


Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Is there a size or form you're after or just anything for those colors?
My favorite dark purples for blooms in early to mid season have been, in no particular order,
Le Baron richer purple than shows here http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/poochella/2007%20New%20Dahlias/LeBaron91907DeepPurple.jpg
Chimacum Troy (miniball),
Pride of Place (pompon)
Downham Royal (small ball I think) Much darker than shows here
Rothsay Reveler purple w/ white tips
Edinburgh Dk PR/white but more white than Rothsay Reveler
Purple Haze smaller but really dark purple with even darker purple back petals and maroon foliage.

Stacy Erin was a perfect bright purple. Yum

John Bramlett was a wonderful dark winey purple large size.

Jessie G is an outstanding rounded, rich purple, not too dark
Irene Ellen ditto above
Camano Phantom was dark purple
Thomas Alva Edison is shown as a deep purple larger bloom, but is frecuently misrepresented in big box stores/suppliers. My version of it was a very large informal bloom in more magenta than true purple.

For wine colored, I think of that as dark reddish/maroon
Summer Night- can't be beat lots of blooms, good keeper.
That's Jake maroony gold, full and fluffy, larger and darker than shown here- same old story LOL!
Smoots and Urchin are 4-6" frilly sort of maroon/purple colored darker than shown here
Urchin http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/poochella/2007%20New%20Dahlias/urchin8707.jpg

Black Cat- new favorite in dark reds. Velvety petals

Karma Choc- even blacker than Black Cat. Completely wonderful.

And one more wee one I really like: Crossfield Ebony dark red/black pompon http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/poochella/2009/IMG_7255.jpg

Happy Hunting!

Kerkdriel, Netherlands

I have this beautifull dark one.

Thumbnail by Leeuwtje
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

For wine coloured Nuit D'ete is my fav. It is one of my earliest bloomers and has lots of flowers.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2009 3:27 PM

Thumbnail by dahlianut
Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Hilltop Ivan does it for me.

(Nuit D'ete is French for Summer Night.)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Arabian Night is a constant bloomer from early in July to frost.

Thumbnail by pirl
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O beautious pirl sigh.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, DN! Love your wonderful words!

Here's a nameless one (to me) but so dark.

Thumbnail by pirl
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

OOoohhh, I love it! You don't think it's Karma Chocolate? Whatever it is, it's so pretty. I must have one! Yeah-I still have no idea where I'm putting all the ones I've ordered for next year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have no idea of the name. It's one of about 5 that I ended up with that have no names - they're all under 2' but not the ground hugging type.

England's Glory definitely gets the most comments. Some are solid in color and others splashed with white. It's covered with blooms!

Thumbnail by pirl
Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

I'm overwhelmed! I want them all. Now I have to figure out where to get them. Thanks so much for all your suggestions.

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