Wanted !! A hanging basket supplier

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I am looking for a place where I can buy (cheaply) plastic hanging baskets in a small size. I can get all I want at the cheapo shops in the usual larger size of 10 "diameter , but I need a lot of small ones.
I want a size of about 8 " diameter. I have tried everywhere around here but it looks like I have to go further afileld. If anyone can help with info on where I can find any it would be appreciated.
Preferably in Vic. but if not , I will have to try interstate.
thanks. Jean.

I don't jean ...sue may know meanwhile look at these pot hanger thingys
to adapt your pots to hanging ones.
good luck

Coffs Harbour, Australia

you could try here Jean

Merino, Australia

Thanks for the links Chrissy and Sue. I thought I may have found the right place until I read they are wholesale and the minimun quantities are in the hundreds. I will have to put on my thinking cap and use something else. Jean.

Sydney, Australia

If there are any orchid shows where you are, they should have the hangers there as orchid growers use them alot. Or try orchid suppliers or growers. I know that Tinonee Orchids do mail order you could check out their site.

Merino, Australia

Thanks tropicals. I think my epi pots would be a bit heavier than those hangers would manage. I find the plastic doesn't last as long as chain either. I may just have to improvise something .

western sydney nsw, Australia

Jean look in Reject shop they sell relacement chains ----or my trick is dog chain only $2 a pkt can cut to any length I use a hachsaw I think thates the name of the saw its in a frame .
wire around up the pot will last for ever and connect the chain --. or nylon rope around the pot and loops to hang ----------Elaine

Merino, Australia

Thanks Elaine. I do buy yards of chain from a shop in Hamilton. I use it for lots of things. I'll have to see what I can get done. i have done a few smaller pots as you describe but the epis need strong stuff, some having branches over 3 ' long now. For a plant with few roots, they are surprisingly heavy with all the branches.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Jean you need a tree trunk to stand the pot on and a row of slings to hold the branches above your head sorry laughting at the thought it would look funny .

Merino, Australia

Elaine, you have no idea. It's like walking into a maze of octopus arms all reaching out to grab you. I have to be so careful and slide between the plants as the new growth is very fragile on the tips. Hubby is not allowed in there. Talk about a bull in a china shop. He can't realise how clumsy he is around plants. Ha ha. Wait until I have to take photos. The flowers will try to hide from me and one has to be an acrobat to get at the back ones.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Sounds like they are trying to catch you for their dinner .

Coffs Harbour, Australia

sorry Jean, I thought you would be in need of hundreds of pots by now, he he. I buy all my stuff in bulk, but also get things from the tip shop when able, and ebay does have pots n things sometimes. the other option is to find someone who will go halvies in a pack of pots/baskets? Sometimes the smaller nurseries can order for you when they restock their own. worth a try?

Merino, Australia

Thanks Sue. I do need lots of pots but cannot get any from the tip as it is now a 'transfer station'which has nothing to look through. The locals usually give me any they have laying around.
I will rig up something . We gardeners are ever resourceful.

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