Growing in an Osprey's garden #2

PERTH, Australia

We have come from here. I hope you'll continue to enjoy watching the chick grow.

The lighting was much more favourable this afternoon and I managed to get some reasonable shots of the chick. Hopefully they'll improve as the greenery in the nest withers as the days get warmer. This is the mother Osprey, Big Hook with the chick.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The chick was taking shelter from the sun in Mum's shade.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Dad was on the dead tree close to the nest, so Big Hook took the opportunity to go for a quick flight. Here she's coming back up to the nest.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Their gaze never wanders from the alighting point when they're coming in for a landing.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The beauty of these magnificent birds never fails to enthrall me.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

You'll need to look carefully, but the chick is right at her feet as she lands. Their judgement is impressive.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Dad arrived at the nest not long after Big Hook landed. Having come from the tree next door, he didn't have a fish, just wanting to have a closer look at the little one.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

"Staring at the kid isn't going to get it fed. Go and catch a fish."

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

He tries to tune out, but Big Hook becomes more insistent and he eventually gives in and heads off into the bay. The chick watches and listens.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Big Hook does a bit of housekeeping.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The shadow had started to creep across the nest, but have a look at that little wing. The chick was flapping its wings vigorously.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Another shot showing its wings.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Not a very clear shot, but the chick is gazing up at its Mum.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Dad had still not arrived back at the nest by the time I needed to leave. He has frequently been returning when the nest is in deep shadow.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Here are three shots from yesterday. The Willie Wagtails never disappoint with their fearless pursuit of much larger targets.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

She barely bats an eyelid as the Willie Wagtail scolds her from the branch above.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

She reckons that if she closes her eyes and pretends he's not there, the Willie Wagtail will go away.

It doesn't.

That's it for this evening.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


PERTH, Australia

Thanks, Mrs Ed.

Marlton, NJ

Outstanding shots Margaret! The chick is so adorable.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

It was exciting to see the tiny wing movements on the chick. Gosh, it's growing so fast.

Incredible photography Margaret! I'm really enjoying every single photo!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

nice ,nice photos,Thanks Margaret

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Great shots, is he ever growing fast, and is very observant too. Like his little wings flapping.

PERTH, Australia

Thanks for your comments. Here's a shot of Father on the upright branch for Madam X. He'd be preening himself, but every few seconds would look over to the nest to check that everything was as it should be, which is what he's doing here.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Marlton, NJ

Such a clear shot!

PERTH, Australia

Thanks, Pelle. We have a real soft spot for him.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Clear and perfect for framing!! Wow

PERTH, Australia

Look at how the little one has grown in just a couple of days. This is what greeted me this afternoon. It was the first day where there was a real feel of summer about it.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

I must have arrived just after the chick had been fed judging by its crop. Big Hook was very relaxed and the chick followed her around the nest to be in her shade.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

At times it seemed too full to remain upright.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Since the chick hatched, whenever either parent comes in for a landing, as a protective measure they arrive with their feet bunched up into fists. You may be able to just see the chick in the lower right corner of the shot.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia


Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

... and touchdown, with feet still bunched into fists.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

After Big Hook had landed and had performed a bit of housekeeping, she settled down to gaze out over the bay. The chick again made its way towards her for shade.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Dad didn't come to the nest at all whilst I was there this afternoon. However, Big Hook gazing skywards indicated that there was an Osprey flying around the area. She was not the least bit concerned and just watched on with interest. This may or may not be Dad.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

But whoa, there were two of them. They soared a good couple of hundred feet up, at times flying in perfect unison.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Who knows..

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

This one certainly appeared to be a male by the lack of a bib and it was flying closer to the nest.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Who knows ... the pair could possibly be Ausie and her beau? Terrific series Margaret! Thank you for sharing this awesome story and the photography is unbelievably beautiful!

PERTH, Australia

I'm as sure as I could possibly be that this is Dad. It looks like him (no, not kidding) and Big Hook was making her typical greeting call to it, not a call of consternation if there was an intruder in the area. Call me fanciful, but I like to think that the second bird is Aussie. I am still seeing an Osprey on the usual tree at the end of the bay every few days.

Thumbnail by MargaretK

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