Have a few 2yr+ Crinum scabrum bulbs to trade

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

These were grown from imported seed and are starting to get some size about them.They have not reached blooming size as yet ..(.I think 3yrs is the norm) and were purchased from a very reputable seller.

I would like to trade for other crinums or similar..( I already have the pink and white varities of Crinum powellii and also have Crinum pedunculatum...so not them please)



NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Wish I could help Judy. I only have the usual suspects here, so can't help with a Crinum. I did an image search, and found C.scabrum. Very handsome! Are yours the red and white stripy ones?

I wonder Judy if you have ever heard of the Queen Emma lily, C. augustum, or perhaps you might have this plant already? It is beautiful! Dark purple foliage and flower scape, topped with starry flowers. A friend here in Sydney had it. Alas, moved to Tasmania and I missed out when the plants were divided. I believe this plant is used in Hawaii much the same in landscaping as we use C.pedunculatum. I have not seen this, but can only imagine how spectacular they must look in the right landscape context.

Good luck Judy. Have a look for C. augustum. As I said, I missed out. You might be lucky! :)

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