CLOSED: More Seeds for SASE

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Some of my plants produced 100's, 1000's or Zillions of seeds and I'd like to share them with a few newbies. By newbie, I mean you are fairly new to gardening with few plants/seeds and have been a DG member for a year or less. I'll take the first 5 newbies who post here. If you've take advantage of my SASE offers before, please don't ask for these. I can handle only US residents.

You'll get the following 10 packs of seeds:

Amaranthus Oeschberg - Upright Love Lies Bleeding
Datura Belle Blanche - fragrant moonflower bush (plant and seeds are toxic if ingested)
Four Oclocks - Fuscia
Four Oclocks - Yellow
Hibiscus - Moy Grande - red
Hyacinth Bean Vine - Purple
Japanese Iris - Epaulette - Dark velvety purple (won't come true from seeds) - Pictured below
Black Moudry Ornamental Grass
Gateway Joe Pye Weed
Bonus Seed of Your Choice

The seeds are already packaged in 2 x 3 ziplock baggies and labeled.

To participate, please respect my time and follow these guidelines EXACTLY. I offer SASEs frequently and this is what is convenient for me. When filling SASEs becomes a hassle for me, I'll stop doing it. Any SASEs that do not follow these guidelines to a T will not be honored:

1. Post here if you meet the definition above for being a newbie.

2. When I approve you, get a small, 4 x 6 BUBBLE mailer. No envelopes with bubble wrap stuck in them. No mailers that are padded with paper or cardboard as these cost more in postage to send. You can cut a large bubble mailer in half if need be and send me one half. You can also recycle a bubble mailer that you've received; you do not have to have a brand new bubble mailer. Address your mailer to me. I'll email you my addy.

3. Inside the bubble mailer, include the following items:

a. Adhesive Address label with your name and address. MUST be adhesive; I won't tape anything on. Make sure your label will cover my address on the outside of the mailer. Please don't stick your address label under my address with instructions for me to peel my address off to reveal yours. Almost always when I do this, I rip your address off too and then I have to make a new label.

b. A note letting me know your member name and that you're responding to my SASE offer. Also look at my trade list and select 3-5 different seeds that you'd like as your bonus pack. I'll pick only ONE of your choices, whichever one I have in abundance (some seeds are for special trades only).

c. At least 10 ziplock baggies, about size 2 in. x 3 inch to replace the ones I've already packed your seeds in. (Please, no sandwich bags (too big and bulky) and no homemade seed envelopes (tiny seeds fall out of these. Sorry!)

d. 4 first class postage stamps (I'm not sure how much exact postage will be, but I won't refund the difference as it will only be a few cents. I'm NOT selling these seeds. Where else could you get 10 generous packs of seeds for less than $2 for shipping?) Do NOT send a metered postage label instead of stamps. It's illegal to mail it from my zip code.

4. Mail the bubble mailer to me so that I have it before October 23, 2009.

5. Be patient. Don't email me daily asking if I've mailed your seeds yet. I will mail all seeds by October 31 after I've received all bubble mailers. Allow another week or so for them to arrive.

When I receive your bubble mailer, I'll recycle it, putting your address label over my address on the mailer. I'll fill your mailer with your seeds and send it back to you so you can reuse it.

Because I have an abundance of some of these seeds, I'll try to give you enough that you can grow some and trade some. Each of these were gathered from my own gardens and meticulously labeled. So they ARE what I say they are, no surprises. So you can trade them with confidence.

If you are not familiar with these plants, you can see pictures of most of them as they grow in my gardens at:

OK, this offer is now OPEN. Single file line starts here ------>


Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I would like to try the Japanese iris and the Joe pye weed.
My name is -
Charleen, became a member in March this year.
Thank you

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hello I would like too be a part of this ffer it has been 8 month fot me bing a newbee.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Charlene, your member page says you've been a member since 2007.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, that's o.k. I thought it meant a paid member.
I have really enjoyed being a member, regardless
of how long. But I really just paid this Spring.
It is o.k. I got plenty of seeds. I just so like those flat-topped
Iris. Thanks for the offer.

Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

I am new gardener and would love to have some of your seeds. Thank you.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, Charleen, I can give you the iris and the joe pye if you want to send a bubble mailer and 2 ziplock baggies and 2 first class postage stamps. Just follow the other guidelines for the SASE. I'll send you my addy by dmail. Remember that the iris won't come true from seed, as it's a hybrid. But you might get something similar or something very different.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

CJ and Lemke, you're accepted. So we have 3 more spots to fill.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It's o.k. I am so embarassed, I hope you don't think I was trying to "pull one over"
I guess I am not a newbie after all. But I do appreciate your offer.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

No, I understand, Charleen. I wasn't specific about the membership. I did dmail you my addy so you can send an SASE for those two seeds. I have LOTS of them. I had to quit gathering the Joe Pye Weed seeds; there were just so many I got tired of dealing with them. LOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Some of these plants will wear you out.
Thank you again.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi NancyAnn,
I'd like to participate please.
Thanks for your generosity!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Fruitofthevine, you're #3.

I can accept two more newbies.


Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

Where can I find these bags? I looked at Walmart today and didn't see any.

At least 10 ziplock baggies, about size 2 in. x 3 inch to replace the ones I've already packed your seeds in.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Go to Wal-mart look back there where they have the beads
to make your own jewelry. They should be there.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Can I be one of your newbies. I am just starting out and would love to have seeds.


Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

Thank you ridesredmule. I was looking in the wrong section for the bags at Walmart.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It is easy to do and they keep moving things too.
Good luck.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Our Wally World started major renovations last about a nightmare. The employees try their best to help but most don't where to find stuff either. You can get a boatload of all different size baggies on eBay too.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

If you have a hobby lobby or michaels, they carry the little ziplock baggies too. At hobby lobby, they have them in two different places and the same bags are different prices. I think in the jewelry dept they're $1 for 100 of them. If the other dept (can't remember which one), they're around 2.50 for 100. Same bags, just a different brand. At Walmart, they should be about $1 for 100 also. They usually have them in the jewelry-making or beading sections of the craft dept.

If you don't want to go back and get some, you can just add an extra first class stamp to your SASE. But if you plan to do some seed trading (I'll send some seeds to get you started with trading), you'll need some ziplocks or something to package them in anyway.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Lori, yes, you can be #4.

I can accept one more newbie...

Chillicothe, IL(Zone 6a)

Hi I am new to the site as well as new to gardening. I just joined the site within the last week. Can I be your last newbie?


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Mickey, you are #5. Welcome to the wonderful world of gardening. Your life will never be the same! LOL

I'm sending everyone Dmails now with my addy, so check your mail.

I've accepted all the newbies I can at this time. Thanks!


Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

We don't have a Michaels or Hobby Lobby close. I need to go back into town tomorrow anyway so I can stop off at Walmart and get some bags. I would like to start trading some seeds. Thank you ButterflyChaser for helping me get a good start.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Count your blessings y'all cuz NancyAnn is very generous with her seeds and she's nice to boot!!

Chillicothe, IL(Zone 6a)

Thank you NancyAnn, I got your email and my SASBE is on its way to you. I look forward to getting the seed back and planning my garden for the next season.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I have been a member for less than a year. Did I arrive too late?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Sorry Mechelle, I already have 5 people.

Cjcjmass and Lvaladez, I've received your bubble mailers and have them packed and ready to send back to you. I should be going to the p.o. today or tomorrow and will get them in the mail, so you should have them sometime next week. Feel free to trade off any that you do not need.

Now Kelly, you gotta quit spreading those rumors! :-)


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

What rumors? ;-)~

Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

I heard for a certain somebody who also told somebody else that NancyAnn has a heart of GOLD.

Thanks you so much for sharing..

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Lemkegarden and Meickle2003, I mailed your seeds this morning. You should be receiving them soon. Hope you enjoy them. Feel free to trade off any excesses.


Snellville, GA(Zone 8a)

Received my package of seeds yesterday and woulk like to say thank you for sharing.


Currie, NC(Zone 8b)

It's true, NancyAnn does have a heart of gold. I received my package yesterday and she gave me so many seeds. I have plenty to grow and plenty extra to make some trades. The instructions on the bags make it so much easier for a newbie like me starting out. Thank you so much for sharing.


Chillicothe, IL(Zone 6a)

I agree with you abou NancyAnn, she does have a heart of gold, I received my package yesterday and have so many seeds I will have to plan new garden beds. I am so excited about my garden this year, I love growing things. Thank you so much!!


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

You're all welcome. I hope your gardens are awesome next year.

FruitoftheVine, I received your SASE Thurs and mailed your seeds Fri. So you should get them sometime next week.


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