Need Iris ID

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi there, I was hoping some of you Iris experts might know what type of Iris this is. I haven't seen it bloom, so don't know anything about the flower. I just know it isn't the same type of rhizome as the Tall Bearded Iris I have. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Mechelle

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

It's a tall one..

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Is that a real, live cat? Check the leaves for a hard rib up the center of the leaf.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Ha Ha yes that's Bandit! I feel like the pied piper when I go outside..they follow me everywhere! I went ahead and pulled them from where they were and planted- over 40 of them. Someone told me they were Dutch Iris, so we'll see how they do ;-)

Thumbnail by MechelleT
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Not a Dutch iris. I'm guessing Louisiana or spuria. If the someone that said they were Dutch iris saw them in bloom, they are probably a spuria, as they look like Dutch iris.

Dutch iris comes from a bulb, not a rhizome, and those are definitely rhizomes.

Post a picture for us when they bloom. We'll be able to tell then.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I am not up to speed on beardless but that does not appear to be a Dutch iris.
Most Dutch irises I have seen, and I have 2 of the 50 packs to plant, have a
small bulb rather than the apparent rhizome in the pic. We have 2 experts on
this forum, pollyk and irisMA who may come in and give you some better ideas.

The raccoon tail is something. You need to take a pic of the cat.

I type too slowly. Polly is on the ball. I still like the cat.

This message was edited Oct 11, 2009 7:51 PM

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I am going to google it and see if I can find a pic of the rhizome. Thank you guys for your help, I'll let you know what I find if anything..

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Type faster Jerry, LOL. Your advice is excellent.

Yes that tail is quite something.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Pic of the pkg.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Some Dutch iris bulbs, about 3/4 inches in diameter.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

After checking a couple sources, I vote for one of the Louisiana variants.

Google 'louisiana iris'
Select ''

Appears to be an excellent primer on the subject.

This message was edited Oct 11, 2009 8:53 PM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

The rhizomes look pretty much the same, Jerry, (long and skinny), and in Tennesee it could be either. However, since the Louisianas are more common, you are probably right. The only thing I was wondering was if whoever said they might be Dutch iris had seen the flower, as spuria looks a lot like Dutch iris (only much taller of course).

One thing that always helps to start you out identifying a beardless iris is location of the iris. Being in Tn, I would say Louisianas are much more common than Japanese, for ex. And then you can consider where plants are sold. In Tn a lot of people buy from Iris City, and they sell Louisianas, but not spurias.

So the best guess after seeing the rhizomes that look like spuria or Louisiana, based on location and availability, Jerry is probably right in saying Louisiana.

I say there's a chance it could be spuria, though.

Gainesville, TX

I have hundreds of these iris and the root looks exactly like your pictured

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Those sure are pretty sharon. I love the purple flowers. Purple is my favorite color so that would be a huge plus! What are those tall plants behind them? I am thinking about planting them around my big pond and like the way that looks. Do your rhizomes try to stay below the soil or are they above grounders like regular Iris?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Pretty, Sharon! Those are Louisianas. Louisiana and spruia rhizomes look just alike, so Mechelles could be either. We'll know when they bloom.

Watch those yellow ones, Sharon, that is pseudacorus, and very invasive to waterways.

What are all the tall leaves in the back?

Gainesville, TX

The tall straps you see behind are more of the same iris just not yet bloomed out, they are mostly a bit below the soil and in a few inches of water, but they will grow at the edge, out of water.

I do have the yellow pseudacorus as well , when they get out of hand hubby just digs some out with the backhoe and trashes them. I have 40 acres with several small ponds so they don't infringe on anyone else and they are breathtakingly beautiful blooming in mass. The blue and the yellow are pretty blooming together but if left alone the yellow would take over after a few years. Th

Gainesville, TX

close up of the louisiana

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

How pretty! So the tall straps are more of the Louisiana? Wish they grew like that here.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hmm, good info Sharon- I actually was planning to move mine around my pond about 15' back from the water, but now that I know they do good closer, I might put a few closer to the waterline.

Gainesville, TX

they actually prefer boggy soil and up to 3 or 4 inches of water on their feet.

Polly when looking at the photo closer that is the yellow iris in the right background

Thumbnail by sharondippity
Gainesville, TX

the straps on the louisianas are thinner, a bit shorter, and a lighter shade of green

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Awesome! I will share pics when I plant them. That makes sense now why the LA rhizome is a lot harder that TB. ((smile))

Booneville, AR

i think they are louisiana iris they look just like what i have on the side of my garden some grow taller than others.they love pine straw, that will make them grow larger, and protect them from heat and cold. they will be beautiful . im new to dg just like roaming around and visiting.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, welcome littlenettie! Glad you stopped by the iris forum on your roaming around. We have great fun here, so be sure to stop back again and talk with us.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hi Littlenettie so glad you dropped in. Welcome to the enablers forum. Great bunch of people here and you will learn a lot.

Booneville, AR

thanks , think i will visit often you apear to know alot about iris. i have la. and a few bearded iris that people have given me over the years, they all cost alot so i try to be selective if you find a person or company that is reasonable please pass them on.

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