Our first freeze!

Spicer, MN

It's always sad to cover their little tummies and hope that they can make it through the Winter this time. I have read and appreciate all your advice, so am hoping I won't lose as many as in the past.

This short Fall (the leaves have still not turned) and the large amounts of rain (5+") we have gotten in the 2 weeks before it froze, is worrisome. So will let go and let God do the rest. No matter what, it's all good!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I think this is the saddest time of year ;0( when I have to cut down so many plants and say good by till spring them worry about them all winter hopping the all make it

Spicer, MN

Exactly! But it's all worth it because they give us so much beauty. I also miss the physical activity of working/playing
each day. When that is 'missing' in our Winter months, it takes awhile to get back to feeling strong again, especially
when you reach retirement years. Loving to sew & quilt fills out those months. I believe they often go hand in hand.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

BRRRR, maybe the rain will help insulate all your plant babies..

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Sharon I used to sew and quilt but my hands won't let me any more I sure do miss it though

Lebanon, OR

alot of freezing temps here now, dahlias and toms are all black. Tonight to be 28 here south of Salem and north of Eugene Oregon. I am working on hand appliqued iris bedspread. I love the hand work but never done with such large pieces seems to take forever per piece so will be glad when I get to the iris and not the leaves


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

No freezes here yet. I'm surprised you're ahead of us, Dee.

I'm still dividing and planting sibs.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Polly, I wish I could help you, but I am loving the pool and have been swimming every day. Temps in the 90's. We visited our daughter yesterday and the bananas I planted are all looking wonderful. She got 3 avocadoes from her tree and ate them all herself. Hope this one makes it through the winter with no freezes. She lost the three year old one that I grew from a pit. It takes 11 years for the first crop. Probably why they are so expensive.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

We hit 35 last nite. Normal lows are the highs this weekend.

Lebanon, OR

We usually do not get this cold until the end of October! Bet your leaves beautiful about now Polly.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Mittsy I would give anything to be able to grow avacadoes here. Wish they would make a hybrid you could grow indoors. If they have I missed it.
It was 1 above yesterday AM./ Broke the 100 year record cold for this time of year. No global warming here. Last 15 years we were warmer than usual but not now. Darn.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Avocado trees get to be 30 ft tall so they'd have to come up with a dwarf variety. Would be lovely!

Spicer, MN

Gloria, That IS sad to have to give up your crafts. I notice this summer that my left hand with carpal tunnel gets so tingley
or asleep that it was hard to feel the needle when quilting. It's not fun to poke yourself that much. A week or so of no
gardening usually helps it subside. I wish there were something you/Dr. could do to help.

South Hamilton, MA

I have mild carpel tunnel so have to wear wrist braces at night. I think it comes from weeding--nothing can be done about that. But I also think that I bent my wrists at night instead of keeping them straight, so braces will help there.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I just checked and there is a new variety sold through wayside. If you google Dwarf Avocado Plant it takes you to several sites. This one is a Don Gibbon I believe it said and it supposed to be absolutely yummy and set fruit indoor in 3 yrs. and can be trimmed if it gets too big. Sounds to good to be true.

Lebanon, OR

hey that is just what I think I need.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Na, na, na (this is me holding my ears, and singing, Mittsy). It's not bad here yet, and the leaves are just starting to turn. And thanks to you my planting is just about done, anyway. I'm just filling in blank spots in the new bed, and there aren't many.

I love avocados. Wouldn't it be great to have a tree that would produce indoors.

Lucy, a Doctor once told me a lot of problems with the arms comes from how you sleep at night, often people hold their arms under them.

Ouch, Steph!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I think the prob with my hands is all the meat I cut cuz they just keep getting worse every year and the cold just kills them ;0(

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

$50 to $60 for the plant would buy a lot of avocados. We can get them 2 for a dollar when they are in season.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I agree. That is a lot of money and then wait and wait and then forget and overwater and rot it or let it get too dry and then no Avocadoes. I will buy mine too.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

mmmmmm, I can taste them right about now with a little salt and pepper. But only those nice smooth Florida ones.... sorry, but the Haas just can't compete....

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thinking Avocados today. 3" snow but only 30 instead of 0 degree today, I love the Florida ones. Someone sent me a nice box of them one Christmas. PIG HEAVEN!!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

That was a nice treat!! Sorry you are sooo cold already. It is suppose to be 45 here Friday night..brrrr, time for fires in the fireplace.

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