planting new iris rhizomes after breaking off from mother

Gig Harbor, WA

after breaking or cutting off the new rihzome from the mother rhizome, does that fresh cut need to dry off or scab over or whatever you call it, or can I plant the new rhizome immediately?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm thinking I'd let it dry out a day or so. Before joining DG and reading all the stuff here I probably would have immediately replanted but now it occurs to me that it may need to toughen up a bit to resist rot or moisture.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

One of the written recommendations is to sprinkle comet or some other brand of
cleansing powder containing bleach over the 'wound' and let the rhizome dry for
2 or 3 days. Helps the 'wound' callous over and, with the bleach, deters bacteria
for awhile after planting. Most useful during wet plantings.

Raleigh, NC

I've had Cooleys recommend dusting any cut on a rhizome with sulfur and then letting it sit one day. sulfur, like the bleach in comet, would act as an antibacterial.

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