Still no GH...maybe one from XSSmith

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

For 5 or 6 months now, I've been searching for a GH & I still don't know what the heck I'm doing. Got a quote on a GH from XSSmith (21 x 36') for the structure itself ($2,200), called a Sun King. Add Ventilation (2 roll up sides kits, w/manual gearbox, handle and shaft adapter for $730), & heat ( a gas fired unit heater w/ hanger kit, smoke pipe kit and air fans for $1,700) and delivery for $500, well I'm over budget & still haven't added the builders cost for grading & other site prep plus putting it together. Bottom line, I can't afford it all.

Can I do heat cheaper? I'll be doing the 2 layer poly with the fan to inflate, what about insulating the floor? I'm not sure what heat range I need to maintain for growing out seedlings, maybe 45 degrees? Builder won't use PVC pipe for the ribs saying it will become brittle, so I'm ok with the steel structure, but how can I cut other costs? I've looked at using the rainbarrels for passive solar heat & other options but I don't understand it all & frankly, I'm in a fog. Am I making this harder than it needs to be?

Williamsburg, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a 14 x 25 quonset style greenhouse (I'm in zone 6A), double poly with inflation blower, exhaust fan, etc. I use a Blue Flame propane heater (30,000 BTU) only heating to mid 40's. I have a small nursery business so I use it to overwinter items such as butterfly bushes, daylilies & Japanese Maples. I think the 45 degree temperature range for seedlings will be fine.

I also start perennials & vegetables from seed during the winter but I do that by putting plastic over a shelf and using a bathroom heater to get the temperature up to 70 for germination. (greenhouse inside a greenhouse).

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

The best way I've found to do it is the "everything included" kits by either International Greenhouse (greenhouse mega store - whatever their name is ! ) or FarmTek (;ft1_greenhouses_accessories.html) . I'll be getting another one this winter.

The big diff that I can see between the two companies above is the covering - I think all of the FarmTek ones are the twin-wall polycarbonate (so, rigid plastic) as opposed to the plastic sheeting. As much as I would love to not have to change the plastic out, I don't think you can get the roll-up sides on the polycarbonate, and that's a must in this warm of a climate, or I'll have fried plantage.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the feedback! The "everything included" kits are great, except the prices. So far I'm getting the basic structure (steel hoop house), then maybe going the extra mile to put down foam board insulation around & into the structures flooring, then 4" of rock. At least that's what I'm thinking about today (eyes rolling). LOL

Thanks for the tip about the Blue Flame, that sounds good to me too. Pagancat, by using the polycarbonate sheeting I'd of thought you'd be able to install vents where you want them vs the rollup sides.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Mmm - yeah, but vents are much smaller than having the entire length of the gh open. So, vents are good, but not comparable in terms of ability to exchange air and change temps.

One of those links, I'm forgetting which one, also sells accessory packages - I haven't compared them with a gh to the full package. But honestly, after running a gh on a construction fan, roll up sides and mini-propane heaters, there's really not much there you can do without in the long run. I lost a lot of plants last year to botrytis because I didn't have a fan/ vent system set up and cool + wet = botrytis.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

I see what you mean now. I bet there's some sort of automatic roll up sides, so I don't have to get out there and crank it myself all the time. think I'll go search for that now. LOL

The place I'm getting the structure from wants about $800 for a crank it yourself system.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

No way! And I was outraged that Grower's solution charged me $75 a side. Still am, now that I know what it's made of.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

have you seen this? not sure how to figure out what to order size wise though.
(drats, this didn't come out like I'd of wished but maybe you can make sense of it...)

Get in the “GROOVE” with our Side-Clasp Roll-Bar. Use this galv. 2" OD all-in-one Roll-Bar for interior/exterior Posi-Clasp Single or Double Bar Systems (includes Lock-Down curtains) up to 200'. Use ZigZag Wire (not incl.) to clasp 1 or 2 layers of material into WireLock groove. Keeps round shape as curtain rolls up. Ships with splices & SS Teks in 8' or 12'. Click here for more information; Check under "Estrusions", Posi-Clasp Side-Clasp Roll Bar.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

edited out duplicate post

This message was edited Oct 14, 2009 7:33 PM

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

rats, looks like that didn't work at all.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yup, that's a lot fancier than what I have. I really need to take a picture of it.

Okay, this might not make ANY sense.... but if this was the side of my greenhouse (it's a hoop house shape,) you can see two black strips of batten tape that the pole (which is fastened to the end of the plastic) is rolled up between by the hand crank at the end of the pole.

Yes, that cost $75 per side.

Thumbnail by Pagancat
Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

after re-reading the info on that site, I see I can't afford that either. Maybe the $75 dollar per side would be best for me too or maybe you've seen some alternatives since your purchase? How long is your GH, Pagancat?

We have a grower down the road that sells azaleas, (28, 96' hoop houses full), they're now in 3 gal containers but he's never used heat. He covers them with a shade cloth during the main growing season but overwinters them using a white colored poly and keeps the end walls uncovered. I was kinda floored. Those azaleas were lush too.

That tells me, I think, when the shrubs go dormant they don't need heat, just protection from the wind, hail, etc. Is it not the same for butterfly bushes and other woody, zone hardy plants?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

I don't have a ton of experience in that area, but that is mostly true. I do know that a plant in a pot is *more* susceptible to cold because it doesn't have the bulk of the ground insulating it. There are some azaleas that grow as far north as Minnesota (looking at a quick Google search) so your neighbor is probably pretty safe in his choice.

My GH is 24' long. And for the cost of the pole and a handle, clips, and a roll of batten tape, I think you could probably do as good of a job or better for much less.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Mother Earth News has a good article this time on making GHs with throw away window or screens.
I also found a great diagram in an Herb Companion books that is old.

You would think I didn't finally have a green HOUse.LOl my 11"6' by 11"6' is too small.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Directions for GH will be in the mail to you tomorrow. This hoop house is easy and sturdy but lower cost than what you can buy.


Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

wow, that's nice.

Disputanta, VA(Zone 7a)

Lavina, thanks so much for mailing the information to me. It helps alot, especially the material list! I'll let you know when i can try to get this going. Thanks again,


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

You are welcome as that one is easy. My son likes his from that diagram better then the one hubby built for me. Its easier to keep warm and shaded.


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