Pictures of the day - 12

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

My new bromeliad pups.

Thumbnail by budgielover
Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Wow! Jan, those are gorgeous!!

(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

when I lived in miami I raised bromeliads, actually they raised themselves. I loved them, but was always concerned about mosquitos breeding in the standing water. what do you bromie lovers do about that problem? maybe put one tiny baby mosquito fish in each one (maybe not). or perhaps a small bit of 'dunk'? I love living here in G'ville but I sure I miss all those beautiful tropical plants! I can fit only so many of them in my garage.

Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy- I helped a neighbor dig up a couple orange trees a few years back- they were about 8 ft. high
It was not easy--deep roots and they went in all directions
wear good boots and take an axe as well

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks for sharing your citrus relocation experience, GoodGreen! I especially am grateful you reminded me to take an axe. I think I still have a good axe if it wasn't carried off by "Weird Willy" - the only person ever to take advantage of my open invitation to come haul away bargain plants by also helping himself to whatever else he found available when I was not home (he's not a DGer, but some of you met him at my roundup eons ago -- the nutcase that told us we couldn't touch plants with our bare fingers because the skin oils would kill the plants and he wanted everyone to wear latex gloves??!! -- The same "eccentric" that called the local zoo and asked if he could collect tiger pee because it had special pesticide properties??!! (I'm still hoping he didn't mention my name as part of that endeavor! LOL). Anyway, I haven't seen the axe for a long while so it may have been part of what Weird Willie decided should become public property. But even Weird Willie had some redeeming qualities -- he's the one that arranged for the 30 cu yards of horse manure to be dumped in my driveway where it sat for about a year before I could get it all spread around my garden.

I'm hoping the grapefruit tree will cooperate and come up without too much of a struggle. It is already fruit-bearing size though. It might make the transplant easier if I prune it down to just about the bare stems. I have a strong premonition that it is going to find a permanent home somewhere near the curb at my house because I don't think I'm going to be able to drag it to the far corner of the half acre to join the other citrus trees. But if I don't rescue it, it is slated to be chopped down to make room for a new walkway to the river bulkhead.


In my experience Citrus trees do not transplant easily. It might have been better to have root pruned it first several weeks ago. Good luck!!

(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

good morning all...more photos on this thread, please!

Thumbnail by jazmom
Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

hows that?

Thumbnail by GOODGREEN

Or this?

Thumbnail by
Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Or this, maybe? :)

Thumbnail by bjf826
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here's my Stink Weed.


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Awww.... how cute is that!
New home for some of my C&S.

Thumbnail by bjf826
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

bjf - What is the blue flower?

Dutch - yes, it would have been nice to do "trench root pruning" (cutting through about half the roots in a circumference around the tree, waiting for new feeder roots to grow on the cut roots, then cutting the rest of the roots), but this is one of those situations where the homeowner wants it done yesterday. LOL The builders for the new dock and walkway are coming within the next day or so and the grapefruit tree needs to be out of the way for the correct measurements.


Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Jeremy, it is a Tibouchina sticking its head up through peach tree foliage.


(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Maura...Could that be a prickly pear?

Hap that is the most adorable weed I've ever seen.

Barb nice C&S collection.

Dutchlady beautiful Plumeria.

GG that is a beautiful plant. What is the name?

Just a few updates...Papayas are doing great. I am hoping to taste at least one.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Mama Lynx is getting very thin. I haven't seen her eat in a few days. The egg sack is shrinking and becoming a darker grayish brown. It has been 10 days since she hung her egg sack. Yaay! Maybe next week we will have some spiderlings shots. I hope they don't come out at night.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Lady Margaret Passiflora

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by Gardenia731
Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Arlene, thanks. Those are really beautiful pictures, but that Lady Margaret Passi.... major WOW!!! :-O

Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

Gard- thats just your run of the mill tri-color ginger

Thumbnail by GOODGREEN
Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

as opposed to your reg. ginger

Thumbnail by GOODGREEN
(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

heartfelt thanks for all these wonderful photos! guess I just needed a pic fix!
Arlene...yes, prickly pear. your LMP shot is spectacular! great angle on the cosmo! pink translucence, yummy! that luscious 'green 'n wet' look!
Dutchlady... the 'three sisters' are lovely. brought back two plumies from Hawaii this past year. can't wait for them to bloom.
Barb...very happy looking C&S, will they be able to over-winter there? that REALLY that sweet dog's name? lol

photo: Spanish Needle (Bidens Pilosa L.)

Thumbnail by jazmom
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


My babies' name is Archibald. Now that he is 'fixed', we call him Archibal-less.


(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

too funny, Hap! he's very cute!

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Maura, I'm going to let them stay up there until we have freeze warnings, then bring them in "just in case". I had to leave the majority of my C&S behind when I moved, so will be a bit overprotective of them until I see how they do. They spent the entire winter inside last season and suffered for it.


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)


(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Barb...LMP is something else. I love that it gives you several flowers instead of waiting for one at a time and the color is amazing. I got it for my B-day this year. ^_^

GG they are both beautiful but my fav is the one on top.

Prickly pear...yummie! Thx, Maura!

Hap_1 I gotta high five you on that one. LMBO! Love your sense of humor.


Thumbnail by Gardenia731
Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)


(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

snowflake plant...Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

Thumbnail by jazmom
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow, what a beauty! I've never seen or heard of Snowflake Plant before, jazmom!

I found the botanical name, Nymphoides, by using the common name in a Plant Files search:[common]=&searcher[family]=&searcher[genus]=Nymphoides&searcher[species]=&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&searcher[grex]=&search_prefs[blank_cultivar]=&search_prefs[sort_by]=rating&images_prefs=both&Search=Search

Checking the Atlas of Florida Vascular plants, there are several white-flowering forms: including N. indica which apparently can be yellow or white according to the photos at that site ( ), N. cristata, and N. aquatica.

Very exciting, I love the look of those flowers! I want some for my someday to take shape water and bog garden.


(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeremy, this Snowflake Plant was happily growing in a pool in the Children's garden at Kanapaha Gardens, g'ville. I too had never seen anything like it. would love to get one for my pond...I'll keep my eyes open for us, and I'll ask at the Gardens next time I'm there.

Deland, FL(Zone 9a)

jaz- right on!!!!GO GATORS!!!!!!!!
game starts in about 1/2 hr.---got my snacks ready...........

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Maura that is so beautiful. I would also love one for my pond. If you ever find them please let me know.

I am a little sad today... I went to check on Mrs. Lynx and she was nowhere to be found. It seems like something got her because the area looked like there was a struggle. I had to wrap the egg sack from another leaf or take a chance of loosing it too. Yes, I agree that my attachment to this critter is a bit disturbing. ^_^

I had to have my plant fix even if it was on a budget. I got the variegated Devil's Backbone that I wanted so bad. I also purchased a house plant that made a very pretty table arrangements. I added a cutting of a Pothos and several seedlings of the spider plant.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh... Jeremy if you happen to read this. I found the one that you had showed to me on a link. It looks like a stick plant. Anyway, it was $19.98 @ HD, Target and Lowes. Can you tell I was NOT looking for it? Nope, not at all. If memory serves me right...Euphorbia something like that.

Edit: Pencil Euphorbia (not too bad only got one letter wrong) LOL!

Variegated Devil's Backbone

This message was edited Oct 11, 2009 10:22 PM

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

The following pics are not from my garden.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

These little orchids were so adorable. I have never seen them before.

Itsy bitzy orchids

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Maura) Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

yes, it is sad about Mrs. Lynx. but I believe it's good karma to care about other beings. sometimes wild things just need a bit of kindness from us! here is a baby squirrel (approx 4 wks old) I found this morning. her nest had fallen from an oak tree above my driveway. when I found her two of my cats were trying to decide which of them would get the 'prize'. I scooped her up and called wildlife rehab. at 7:30 on a sunday morn I found myself having a very informative conversation with a woman named Liz. she suggested that I put the nest and baby in a box and wait to see if the mom returned for it. so I put it on an 8 ft ladder next to the tree. and sure enough...4 hours later mom claimed the kid and hopefully all will live happily ever after. (and hopefully will not dig up my plants or eat the powersteering wires of my car, like her ancestors have done). the photo is not the best. I was nervous and I only had one shot...'cause the little thing woke up.
soooo...hope some of the baby spiders survive. in fact I'm sure some will. oh, and that's a nice looking arrangement!

This message was edited Oct 11, 2009 10:32 PM

Thumbnail by jazmom
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Wow Maura, that had to be exciting. Mother Nature at work again, huh? That means YOU, my dear. So glad you beat the cats for they have their own agenda most of the time.

Arlene, it's great that you are a surrogate mother to a spider. Don't know many that would do that. Kudos, girl.

Well, anyway, good morning to all.


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