Cottage Garden Seed Swap and Chat #41

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

The thing is some of the stuff still too green to gather is some of my favorites! Those I've dried and collected, I don't think I'll be gathering any more of. Some of those I've got saved I won't be starting any for myself, thank goodness!- the perennials and reliable reseeding annuals.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Will they dry in the freezer? Since we have been getting so much rain
I didn't know if they would dry in time. still have some more out there too.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the link Neal, but I couldn't access it just now. I'm sure I followed instructions when I tried to germinate the lily seeds - something like in damp medium in baggie - 90 days at room temp, then 90 days in fridge - or vice versa - .... nothing at all happened in half a year. Too much trouble for me with checking baggies all the time endlessly.
ridesredmule, just let them dry in the open air when they're ready to bring inside.. There's plenty of time before we send them to Ella.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Good! I still have some out there just
waiting for us to pluck them at the right time.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, you let them dry before putting them in the freezer- to do so now could stop the development of the embryo. That's after they're bagged up in seed envies. Lily seeds are often quite late to ripen, seems its sometimes November before some of mine are ready to harvest.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

perenniallyme, there are 2 kinds of germination that occur with Lilies, one is like most seeds, they sprout, develop little bulbs, and bloom in a couple of years. The other germinates under ground, and develops a little bulb that doesn't sprout till its had a winter chill. That's probably the type you tried with the baggie method. Trumpets are much easier.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I have them what ya call them asiaatic lilies? I guess and have sevreal with seed pods. I broke off oen the other day as it was brown al on the outside and looke d liek it was startign to crack open. it had been sittign on teh coutner for days and decided to open it up and found a mess.

Foudn some seed s that still green soem that looke d white and some wher e the one side was open that brown. Do you have to wait until the whole pod is really splitign open wide on thes e type of lily seeds?

On the formosum I always gathered at first splitign and they was fine, but these astiactic seem to be a differnt type of animal. With all the differnt cultivars otu there have no idea who breed with who. Some that stil have tags I know will be liek GoldBand x unk or Bambini x unk

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

hellooooo....squeezing in, cuse me.........between all the oinkers, ouch!.....ta get in line fer some lilly seeds.....please?

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I too would both welcome and treasure lilly seeds!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I too have several Oriental Lily seed pods that I'm waiting on. But like Neal, mine won't be ripe for a couple months yet. They are green as can be. Thanks Neal for the the freezer idea, I've never heard of that before.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

I make some Italian pasta dishes using fennel seeds. One in particular calls for Italian sausage links grilled and cut in rounds, red and green bell peppers, roma tomatoes, sweet onions, garlic, toasted fennel seed, fresh rosemary and basil. All sauteed and tossed in a light garlic alfredo sauce served over bowtie pasta.

I also love the fennel fronds for fresh fish, salads, dressings.

I dont really have recipes... My mom hates that. but I can try to measure things as I go along the next time I make the dish if anyone is interested ?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

jax... see your wiggling squiggling body trying to get in there. LOL

My lily seeds are all in differnt stages. have from green to turnign brown.

Carolyn C.... That sound s yummy. Love Italian food and I don't do the measure thign either, but I woudl liek recipe next time , pelase. Don't have to be exact, but if ya get close I a dash , pinch and shake person too,. LOL

I gona be sowing delphium dwarf seed later today. Now to just find me a dark spot that I wont forget where I put them. Did that last year. Put the seedlign trays in a closet and then forgot abotu them til a coupel of months later and by then they was gonners. LOL Have bunches that wil go in swap too.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

star, usually once a Lily pod is splitting open, the seeds are dry, but that sounds odd that there are white seeds still in there. Then I typically wait till they start opening while attached to the plant, so that may have something to do with it?

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

My, we do chat! I was looking for Carolyn's original post about the fennel seeds, and had to go back to the other thread! :) I'd love to try fennel if you end up with enough Carolyn! I'm trying rue, anise and lemongrass this year too. Guess I better make some more room in the herb garden! Do you plant fennel in the spring, or is it a fall planting thing like shallots and onions, etc. that take a good part of the year?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I also have Fennel. so there will certainly be enough to go around. Last year - mine went like hot cakes. right now, they are just starting to turn... so it will be a few more weeks, i'd imagine. BUT they do produce A LOT of seeds.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

good morning all...whew!!! I had to keep clicking away to catch up with where we are. Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss the start :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Wind!!!!!!!!1 Glad to see ya caught up to us. ; )

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I've missed so much! Regardiing lilies. Last year I received oriental lily seeds, trumpet lily seeds and Easter Lily seeds.

Anyway, the Easter Lilies have just finished blooming! Sorry! I have been way too busy to take pictures . . . I had about 9 of those . . . I am not sure if they will survive the winter, so I might wait until the first killing frost and dig up their bulbs and pot them inside.

The oriental lilies were a bit of a trick - but I did get them to germinate. I then potted them in 3 inch pots, and probably should have potted them into larger pots earlier in the season. Anyway, I have planted them in the garden (basically just one leaf/stem about 3 inches tall). I will put a lot of mulch on them and hope for the best.

The trumpet lilies are about 10 inches tall - though they are not planted in the best site (darn! I need a full sun garden!)

Meanwhile, last spring I collected bleeding heart seeds. I put them in a zip-lock baggie with some moist potting soil and tossed them in the pastry shelf in my fridge. Two weeks ago I finally took them out because I thought they would need 6 weeks at room temperature and then another six weeks after planting before they would germinate.

Nope! They are already germinating in the zip-lock baggie! So I guess I will have to pot them up and keep them under lights in the basement. ^_^ What will I do if they all survive????

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

You can send some to me .... :) I didn't realize bleeding hearts did seeds... I thought they had only bulbs..... shows what I know (or don't) ^_^


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I'd definitely force myself to take a bleeding heart or two off your hands for you!! ^_^ Just to help you out, of course! LOL

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I noticed an number of NOID lillies in my garden today. They would look like Blackberry lillies except for the flower color is sort of a pale cream or pinkish with marroon specks. Anybody got any ideas on what they might be?

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

At one point I had what they called Park's Candy Lilies. They were a mix of colors, but basically were the same as the blackberry lilies I think...
Could they be this?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - never seen those candy lilies before - but they are sure cute! Do they bloom this time of year??


New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I winter sowed candy lilies from the swap last year (sorry can't remember from whom and don't have access to my list right now) and they did great for me, bloomed first year and I really enjoyed them. Here in South Texas they are just finishing up their blooming and have green seed pods. Hope they will be available in time for the swap, but not sure. I am excited about expanding my candy lily collection. I highly recommend them.


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

They are really cute! A word of caution though, I found them very difficult to get rid of. They self seed, and I think the birds may have seeded some for me too, and they are extremely tough to pull if you decide you don't want them.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I guess you guys have much better luck with candy lilies in the south. Mine grew great from the seed I got from several of you at last year's piggy swap. They grew large very fast, but as soon as I put them in the ground, they started dying off, didn't grow, and most are now gone. I know our month straight of rain didn't help, as they're in the iris family, but I also lost the survivor from the previous year over the winter. Not sure if I'll try again or not.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll keep that in mind on the candy lilies kl. I still have mine in a pot as I don't have my bed prepared yet. It suprising that they would be hard to pull up. perenniallyme, I hope mine do ok once I put them in the ground. One of them bloomed this beautiful blend of orange and pink. Wish I had taken a pic...


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes! that is exactly what it is from pictures. I must have been sent some seeds... Ahh it is such fun to find little garden surprises!!

Kannapolis, NC

Thought you could lose me, huh? Fooled you! I'm here, and I have bronze fennel seeds as well. Mine were very prolific this year, so I can share. I would like to have some of the regular fennel if someone has seeds of it to share. When are we going to start posting our haves and our wants?


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Angie, as I get seeds cleaned and ready, and think of things I'm looking for, I'm adding them to my trade lists for the time being. Thats working out pretty good, and gives me an automatic link to Plantfiles for when I post the list when that thread opens.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i am so lost on all this and confused. trying to figure out what to do and everything.

never tried fennel before. will have to look it up. Rie

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Quick break for a funny story:

You might remember me talking about the tall phlox seeds I collected last week. (I was perplexed because I thought tall phlox was sterile.) I'd cracked open about 1/4 of the pods - just enough to note that they had seeds in them - then I got busy and left the rest of them on the dining room table. The next morning they were scattered all around, and I was none too pleased with my dog wondering what he'd been up to in the middle of the night. But I scooped them all back up into another pile and forgot about them again....

Until the next morning when I found them scattered EVERYWHERE. They were all over the table, and even on the chairs and floor. Then I noticed that almost all of them had been cracked open and I thought, "OMG it's mice!!!!" Now mice in general don't freak me out. My house is over 100 years old and try as I might I just cannot stay ahead of all their entrances. I swear they're just like Snowbirds, but apparently Florida is too far away for their short lil legs so they try to make do with my house for the winter.

Anyway I was FLIPPING OUT thinking they were climbing up onto my dining room table. So I covered the table with newspaper, put the seeds back in the center, then strategically placed 4 (count 'em - 4 -) traps around the pile. The next morning the seeds had been disturbed (although to a much smaller degree) but no mice were caught. Next day - same story. Rise, lather, repeat.

Well just a few minutes ago I was walking by the table when I heard this "POP!"

Some of you have probably already guessed that there were no mice, just seeds popping out of their pods. It seems now like I've heard some one else talking about that - maybe Star when she was holding seeds during last year's swap? - but I've never experienced it myelf. And of course now that I'm aware of what's going on I know that I've been hearing them pop all along but didn't realize what it was. I probably just thought it was another family of mice banging the door as they moved in for the season.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

That was a cute story, Lala. What else "pops"?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I almost forgot! I wanted to ask if anyone knows anything about saving seeds from gourds. I know SW would know (I got some seeds from her last year) but I haven't seen her around in awhile. I got some cool gourds for fall decoration and I'd like to save some seeds and grow them myself next year. But I have no idea when to collect them or if the ones I just bought would have viable seeds or not.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Lynn, sorry I just cross-posted with you. I don't know what else i said I've never had that happen before. but I'll bet some of the other folks here have.

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

thunbergia black eyed susan vine pops, impatiens, touch-me-nots, let's see...

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I got some Gourd seeds from her last year, as well. Mine didn't germinate, though. Her Indian Corn grew and grew and grew - very nice. I really didn't give the gourds a good chance, I deno'd them, and then forgot about them.
I hope SW is doing OK, I miss her posts.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Sorry 'bout the cross post. Just mixing it up!!
Does Lupine pop? I had some in a sealed bag, and the pods are all open and empty. I have some more drying, but not in a closed bag.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Lynn the seeds I got from SW did well for me. I direct sowed them and they germinated in just a few days. I've done some Googling and found that I should leave them on the vine to dry, but I've not run across anything yet to tell me at what point I should save the seeds.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Dang, I overkilled them. I saved some for this coming year, thank goodness. Would you like me to send some to you?

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