Cottage Garden Seed Swap and Chat #41

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

A new thread for a new week.... we're still harvesting, cleaning and packing up seeds -- gittin' ready for the Piggy Swap 2009

We came from here --- >

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

And ... dont forget about the Atlas Glove Co-Op ... if you dont have them yet... they really are great gloves.
Co-Op ends on Oct 15th.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks. I guess I must have been blind cuz I didnt see a siz e chart. Thanks for the link. : )

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:) Starlight, I know what you mean about the car. I've lost all sorts of things that way. The real kicker though, is my DH. He once left his notebook computer on top of his car. Apparently the bike rack kept it from falling off right away, because the guy that found it was working on the highway, 5 miles from our house! That sucker had ridden 5 miles to the highway, fallen off at probably 65 mph, landed in the median, and was still working when it was found, that's the only way the guy could have found out who owned it! And no, he didn't learn his lesson, still leaves stuff up there all the time, though usually a soda, not a computer...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I have buste d mroe cofee cups from leavign them on the rood of the car. Ya can tell wher e i been by the broken pieces and I have to stop when i see them on our streets and pick up cuz be my luck be me that woudl get a flat from runnign ove r them.

Man oh man he was lucky for sure. I don't have that kind of luck. LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ooh.. I think my stone is here!!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I just measured my hands... around the palm, 7.75" and tip to wrist, 7.50"
and i wear Medium gloves [the 370's] good fit, not too snug. -- this was for left hand...

right palm is 8"

This message was edited Oct 5, 2009 10:27 AM

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm wondering how many people are going to want lilium seeds. (have regale, blood tiger, buggy's pf salmon, a few others - open pollinated). I've already filled 200 envelopes with other stuff and can't believe I may run out. Didn't I buy 500 in the last co-op? Anyway, I'd rather not fill too many envelopes that may not get claimed, so please give me an idea if you're interested. Thanks.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm going to jump right in and say that I would definitely be interested in lilium seeds :) I've just come in from outside to look for a thread on what to do with Asiatic Lily bulblets..think for this year, I'm going to leave them alone and see how the plants come up next spring. The folks who owned this house before my daughter had planted them, so I'm not sure how crowded they truly are.

If you go to this thread, you'll see what they look like:
The pretty pink ones are what I'm referring to. (They cut down the clematis AGAIN before I moved here..I'm going to hurt both of them if they don't quit doing that! LOL)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I would definately be interested in lilies, also. How soon do lilies typically bloom from seed? I have a few that I ws'ed from the last swap and they seem very healthy, of course no blooms yet... except for the candy lilies which were beautiful.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear there's some interest. Tonya, I've heard 2- 3 years, but I haven't successfully grown any from seed myself. I tried last year, but couldn't get any to germinate (had some from several people and I think it was me, not the seeds) so I'm going to stick to bulbs and bulbils myself.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I will take some of your lily seeds. Have had great luck in them sprouting for me.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

One brief comment...using the glove size chart I ordered a medium last time and wished I'd have ordered small. I may not have measured correctly, but if you're waffling between 2 sizes I'd go with the smaller size.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Wanted to say thanks for the tip on ordering gloves. The Atlas gloves are really hard to find around here and they are the best glove I have ever had to work in the garden.

Ella I have a newbie headed this way. Hope its still ok :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Carolyn_Copper.... What do ya cook with the fennel seeds? If ya cookign up somethign good, gott a share with us. LOL

Ansonfan.. Sure thing. Just let me knwo who it is. So I can ad to the list . : )

tcs. Thanks for the measure. I was debatign between the medium and large so guess I wil go with the medium now. Just hope I cna keep them for mroe than a few days. LOL

On rainy days liek today sure wish it was time. sigh.. sigh.. sigh..

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Maxine, please let me in on your secret! Well it looks like there's some interest, so I'll start bagging up the lily seeds.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Potting soil that has lots of peat moss in it and vermiculite, and prayers help too.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

It doesn't sound too easy, Maxine. I think I'll stick with bulbs and bulbils as originally decided.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

How many seeds do we put in a pkg. I know
I'm not going to have 500. I hope I do this right.
When the rain lets up and it starts drying again ,
I can go back collecting. i don't live in a flood zone
but.we are getting rain.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Rides... there are some seeds that i absolutely refuse to count out as they are just too small, or like dust. So i'll do like a "pinch" of seeds. some like 4 -O'Clocks, if i have a lot, [and want to get rid of them] i'll do 15-20 seeds.

If it is something i do not have a lot of, i'll do say - 10 seeds.

it varies... but i have found, most do not skimp on seeds.... but again, if it i s something you do not have a lot of, and there is high demand -- i'd do about 10.

i joined this swap especially for the lillium seeds...they will be on my wish list
i will have some daylily seeds to offer later

pam sue

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Alright, Thank you. this is my first swap.
Should be interesting, huh?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have lily seeds but I believe they are white easter lillies, but they got out of control and got
over 5 foot tall. Will anyone want some of them?? I haven't got them yet. Should have plenty.

about lillium seeds the paper like disks should have a thickening in the middle which is the embryo..otherwise the sterile ones would be completely flat

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I've had those 'easter lilies' before, I think mine got to like 7 feet, but they were great for cutting, and smelled heavenly. I'd love some seed! Not sure how I killed mine off, they lived for a long time in total neglect...

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I will try to remember. thanks
This will give you idea how tall Lily was.
I'm 5'1''

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, that is why I couldn't figure out why they got so tall. I didn't water them
But I think we may be over our drought down here for awhile. I hope so. that may have shocked them into growing,
finally getting enough water. I will feel in the middle to see if they have embryos, i don't want to give out
bad seed. Thanks for tip.

Shepherdsville, KY

I would love some white easter lillies. Please add my name to a pack. Thank you.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Hiya lily people. I'd love seeds for lilies. All types. I placed an order this past spring with Happy Holler for some fun new lilies. Like so many people, Happy ate my money, and claimed they couldn't afford to make good on their promise. At least with seeds I won't be losing $100.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

If you take a magnifiying glass and look at the seeds you should see a dark spot in the middle. That is a viable seed.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

ridesredmule, that Lily isn't the traditional Easter Lily, it's considered a Chinese Trumpet (Aurelian), and looks to be either Lilium regale or L.regale album. Its normal for them to get that tall, even in drought. Those are a good choice for saving seed from, as the Chinese trumpet Lilies are among the easier ones to grow from seed. They're also good for producing lots of viable seeds. The true Easter Lilies are L.longiflorum, and don't get that tall. They are also pure white without the yellow in the center, and have wider, glossier leaves.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Could be regale album as they're not regale. Neal, that's good to know. My regale seeds are larger and thicker and more numerous viable ones than any other lily seeds I've collected. How do you germinate them?

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

ridesredmule, what a cute name!
If you manage to get seeds from your very large lily, I would like some, please.

Thanks, Maxine

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank You, I'll go out and check them
now and WILL get back to you.

(Zone 7a)

Hello lily folks - would love some lily seeds, too.

Kl and Star, nice to hear I'm not the only one who spends a good bit of time looking for lost/misplaced things - just found my watch this morning after two weeks AWOL. It's too embarrassing to admit where I found it. Well, I'll give a hint. Metaphorically speaking, it was under my nose, right where I usually find stuff - ya wouldn't think a nose could be large enough for so much to hide right beneath it grrr.

Rides, you don't misplace your donkeys, do you? I believe this has got to be one of my favorite topics.

Now where did my Newbies get off too? BirdieBlue and Imzadi, are y'all coming over?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Cottages garden , brugs, cacti, I roam all over. Love them all Bluespiral.
You know how donkeys get bored and just roam. They have taught me a
lot. ^_^ Not sen Bluebird for awhile or Imzadi either.
I think I may have plenty of white lily seed. Brought the stalk in to dry,
Maxine wanted some too. So got to make sure I got plenty.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - I am so excited that I finally caught up with ya'll again! Thank you Sharon for helping me relocate you!! I didn't want to miss all the fun.

Wow - I have never seen lilys that tall ! Those are something!! Would love to have some of those if you have enough to share with everyone.....

Happily wallering around now that I have finally found the trough again!!


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I believe I will have enough.
Those lillies smell good too.
should I make a list of people who want them, is that how we do it?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Here are some basics to starting Lily seeds:

Probably a good idea to keep them protected their first winter, especially if they're still in pots. They look kinda grassy the first year, and are doing most of their growing under ground in bulb formation.

Did any of you grow the Formosa Lily seeds I sent to some last year? Mine started blooming the 2nd year, so those who did will be seeing blooms next summer!

Oh, and something else I just thought of, Lily seeds benefit from being stored in the freezer. Many do not stay viable for long at room temperature, but will remain viable, often for years if kept frozen.

I have made major headway in the seed cleaning the last 2 days- I can totally see the floor and other surfaces in this room now! 40 "master" packs of seeds of different flowers all labeled and lined up attractively in a little basket, ready to be divvied out :-) I was about to get really excited, till I found 12 more paper bags of dry seed heads behind a chair, LOL. There are still quite a few green, ripening, pods in the garden I'm waiting for too, so I'm glad to at least have some room now to start the cycle again.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

:) know what you mean Neal... Got everything all wrapped up an labeled. Felt so accomplished for a few days. Now, of course, there's a whole other round of seed heads just waiting to be picked, dried, sorted and bagged... ah well, I really have enough already that I could just stop... but maybe I'll just do a few more... ;-)

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