Has anyone grown Gourd Luffa?

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

This is the first time growing this. My sister in law grows them to eat them in the Phillippines. I grew them to dry out and see what they look like. I was so excited when they finally bloomed.
I started them early , but for some reason the stopped growing. I then put too much miracle grow on them and they took off.
I actually hoad to cut the back they were growing everywhere. I only have 4 fruits on them.

If anyone has any experience and advise on growing them. I could sure use it. I would like to try again next year.

Thumbnail by katrun
Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

Here one of the bigger ones!

Thumbnail by katrun
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have some seeds I'm going to try. My friend at work gave them to me, and said they do pretty well here.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I've got this growing along my pasture fence. It likes to stay right along the top. Here's the biggest gourd on it. There's about a dozen or so.

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

here's the vine

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

well darn that was not the one I meant to post...

Thumbnail by mjsponies
Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

I had only 3 plants that I planted in the front yard. With the excess of miracle grow, I had to cut them back they ran in the street and all over my flowers, covering them.
The one in the picture is of pne plant that I put in a pot on my deck.

What use are you growing them for? To eat? Craf?
I was not sure on how big I should let them get before I remove them.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I'd never grown them before and just wanted to. We'll probably use them for a variety of things.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

The ones I have ..I am going to let them dry on the Vine and see how they do as a Luffa!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I love the pretty yellow blooms.

Edmond, OK

Katrun ,just thought i would throw in my 2 cents worth., i have raised luffa gourd or squash or whatever you what to call it off and on for years. It can be eaten when small like squash but we always used it to bathe with. That is, after it has matured and dried out. Let the fruit hang on the vine until late fall and has turned yellow. Lift it with your hand while still attached to the vine. It should feel light as a feather. If not, leave it alone for a few days and try again. Cut it off to soon and it will rot. Even if i think i've done everything right some of mine just fall apart like shredded wheat when i try to use them. When done right, the squash will dry out to be tough as a boot and almost as handy. Use it in the tub to scratch dry skin or scrubpaint or grease off your hands. Use it in the kitchen to clean teflon skillets and dried ketchup off the countertops. I've had some last me for months of daily use. Just remember to scrape the outside skin off and shake out the seeds. Some people boil them atthis stage but i never thought it necessary.

Alexandria, VA(Zone 7a)

Judahbrat- So make sure they are yellow then pull them off and let them dry in doors. Do I peel the skin off as well.
I pulled them off the vine at the end of the season. They were still green and then peeled them to dry out.
However, they ended up getting moldy. How upsetting. I only had a few. I would like to try them again and use them as a scrubber for my skin.
I guess just wait as long it is Yellow and it is light as a feather that should be my sign to remove them.
I will have to order more seeds. I was lucky enough to find them at a Nursery one year and did not plant them until the following year and they all sprouted.
Just had a bad start.

I also read about boiling them and using bleach as well.

Edmond, OK

HEY KATRUN, i get better luck out of my luffas just letting them dry out on the vinebut someone else might say different. One luffa will give you all the seeds you will need. They are full of them. I put mine in a ziplock baggy in what i call the cheese drawer in my fridge. they will last for years.

Tuskegee, AL(Zone 8a)

Several years ago we grew a vine or two. It covered the entire side of the tall, two-story house and made over 70 large gourds. At the time we were in z7. You should do fine with them.

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