Getting Rid of Voles

Athens, PA

What is a good way to get rid of voles without adding poison to my landscape. I have one clem in particular that is trying very hard to come back after what appears to be vole damage. Part of my problem is that this clem is not too far from my koi pond and I do not want to use anything that will harm my fish.

I would appreciate some ideas.

Thank you.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Do voles dig or eat from the top? All I know about them is what they look like from when the cats used to bring them in the house at my mom's :P

Athens, PA

They dig and they like to feast on the roots of plants..... they have about killed one of my clems...

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a cat may be a solution. I know some people who have problems with gophers will plant their plants with a wire cage around the root ball to deter burrowing critters that snack on roots.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm having trouble finding the difference between moles and voles. I think that we have moles. I keep reading that once they have cleaned out all the grubs they will leave. We had them all over the yard, maybe 10 years ago. We tried the sonic thing, the traps that set over the holes, everything that we could find that was recommended and nothing worked. Then they seemed to disappear for years - except for a few tunnels each year. Maybe it is a grub thing?

Athens, PA

My kitties are inside kitties. Here is my newest one - he is about 6 months old and just full of it......... So my kitties won't be catching anything outside. We do have some neighborhood cats and I have seen one in particular from across the street catch things in my yard. I assumed they were field mice that were being caught. Anyway, I have to do something and I don't know what to do - and these things are eating my clem roots and I don't want to do something that will harm or poison my koi.

I was thinking next spring of trying the nematodes to get rid of the grubs before they turn into japanese beetles as they seem to be a problem too. I am now wondering if in getting rid of the grubs if that will take care of my problem...... I just don't want to lose my clems in the meantime to these little nasties.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

My kitties are inside too, Mom's were indoor/outdoor but they have a big yard that backs up to a farm. Mine only catch critters if they are unlucky enough to get stuck in the garage. Last time they brought a chipmunk in the house to play with :P
Maybe you could sink a ring of chicken wire or something similar around the clems to discourage the diggers. If there are enough grubs, it may be enough of an annoyance to them that they'll go around.

Athens, PA


I may end up doing that. I don't know what else to do and I hate to lose my clems!

Thank you.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

My dog, Tiffany, has killed 9 voles this winter by my strawberry patch. She checks it over each time we go for a walk lately. I put a poison bait out (pet safe, of course). Either the bait or the snow seems to have slowed them down/run them off. I haven't seen any "little feet" on the snow, either. Earlier this year, I had put a few mothballs around all the plants that get winter mulch/covers to deter rodents making their winter homes there. I would love to hear other options because I don't want to lose plants to rodents.

I wish that my neighbors didn't put out so much birdseed and bread for the birds. They end up feeding the rodents instead.

I have noticed that some of my plant labels were dislodged and laying on the ground. I assumed it was the wind. Hope so.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Two things I've read, but don't know if they work since I'm not sure yet if we have voles here:
Don't put winter mulch down until after the ground freezes, makes them less likely to nest in the mulch.
Step on the snow around woody plants because they tunnel in the snow (and eat bark) and apparently aren't likely to rebuild crushed tunnels.

We have bird feeders but our squirrels and doves are vigilant.

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