Helpful Tips

Winnsboro, TX

I just got to share this with my gardening buddies on the Iris Forum. I have been having alot of trouble with my feet lately. So severe that I've not been able to sleep at night. Anyway you might recall I've been on this W.W. diet for over 2 months now so I'm sure my body is lacking something. I went to the dr. and he suggest to drink gatoraid, take a multi vit., eat a banana every day and so forth. He doesn't like to give meds unless uncessary and I hate taking the stuff anyway.

To make a long story a little shorter one of the ladies on the daylily forum suggested that I freeze pop bottles and roll my feet on them. If none of you have tried this I suggest you try it. It is so relaxing and I'm sure I'll continue to do it even when my feet are not hurting. The best thing about it is you can do it while your watching T.V. or just sitting in a chair. Needless to say, I'm in hog heaven from this and this feels almost as good as a spa treatment. Try it folks, you'll love it!!

I forgot to mention that I wore my socks while doing it. All I can say is AHHHHHHHHHHahhhhhhhhh.
I think we should start a thread with neat little tips like this one.
Happy Gardening, Marian

Raleigh, NC

oh what fun!

yes, after a day in the garden, my back is sore, my legs are shaky, and me feet darn well hurt. a fun idea.

do you use empty glass bottles, or freeze water in plastic bottles?

just heard a law went into effect Oct 1st that we can no longer toss away those plastic drink bottles, must recycle. what a way to recycle.

Winnsboro, TX

Hi Bonjon, I filled the bottle nearly all the way to the top. Leave about an inch of so for the water/ice to expand. Then just pop them in the freezer and use when you need a quick fix for tired achy feet. It is so relaxing it's unreal. Of course like I said I used them with socks on my feet. I don't think I could have handled the cold without them. LOL

Hmmmm, I haven't hear anything about the plastic drink bottles having to be recycled but it really makes good sense. We are such a wasteful conuntry it's unreal.

Try this, I think you will throughly enjoy it.
Best Regards, marian

Raleigh, NC

I will. my ILs taught me to freeze water and take it with me whenever we'd go somewhere for the day, we'd have the bottles keep our packed lunches cold, then drink the melting water! a whole lot cheaper than those cold packs....and a refreshing free drink!
(my ILs are on a very limited income)

Boise, ID(Zone 5b)

Three summers ago, my heels were just killing me after a couple hours in the garden. I could barely touch them. If I sat down for a little while, I could barely stand up and walk on my feet. I was also getting muscle cramps in the backs of my legs, even when I didn't work out in the garden.

I thought it was my weight and or my bad shoes.

I started taking Magnesium for another problem and my feet quit hurting! The leg cramps went away! My back hurt a lot less.

I couldn't believe it. Unfortunately, the pills I have are so big, that they are hard to swallow, so I would take the pills faithfully until the pain went away then forget to take them for a while and the foot pain and leg cramps would come back. So, I know it was the magnesium that helped.

Get magnesium citrate. Most stores and formulas used magnesium oxide which is useless! I tried to get smaller pills and ended up getting magnesium oxide which didn't help at all. I have the 200mg pills and take 2 a day.

I hope this helps. I think magnesium is magic.

Lebanon, OR

another thing that works well for leg cramps is tonic water. Yup like what you buy if you like gin and tonic...


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Definitely, Dee. My chiropractor even recommended it to me. I knew even before that, though. And it does come in diet. The non diet ones taste too sugary sweet to me. I keep a bottle by my bed. No gin in it, though, LOL. Can't stand the taste.

Lebanon, OR

I put more lemon in it to help with the taste. I have a cold bottle in the refrig and one by the bed. No booze here either first the meds and second I am one of the worlds cheapest drunks LOL


Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

This is IrisMA I use the diet tonic water because of my diabetis. I have only been doing it for about a month. There has been a great improvement in leg cramps, they seem to be descending to just above the ankle. Even that hurts but any improvement feels good.

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