Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Hey everyone,

I have an ID needed. I saw this beautiful iris listed for sale on a less than reputable site for irises. They call it Spice Cake. However, I don't see a Spice Cake in the PlantFiles, on Schreiner's, or listed on google.

So what is it?

Thumbnail by Flower_addictnc
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Yes I know it is from MI Bulb that is where I saw it. However, not a reliable source for giving the correct name for an iris. As Spice Cake is not listed anywhere in known types of iris.

Raleigh, NC

"Spice Cake" is not a registered iris. I checked the Iris Registry at AIS.

Spicer, MN

It looks like Spice Lord. Check it out on DG

Kennett, MO

This is the picture of the "Spice Cake" Iris that Highland Seeds has on eBay. It turned out to be a dutch iris bulb, not a rhizozome at all.
She sells under several other names.
Watch out!!!!!

Spicer, MN

I'm confused! I don't understand how an Iris can be a 'BULB'! So why even question the fact that it's a faud? It Is!

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, it sure does look like Spice Lord. I will have to pick it up next year from a reputable source. I love the look of it!


Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

I bought some irises and other plants from MB some years ago. Michigan Bulbs
is not as reliable as Spring Hill if that tells you anything. I do not patronize either

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Yea, I believe it.

Before I came to this forum I purchased 9 Iris rhizomes from Spring Hill. On the literature they sent me an iris that looks just like silver streak (which I am sure it is) was called broken record. There isnt an iris that looks like the pic that is called broken record. They dont even list broken record on their website just silver streak now. When it was sent to me the other day the tag on it said broken record. We shall see what it blooms out to be, and if the others bloom true. If they dont I can always use the interent to figure out what iris it is. I dont expect them to bloom this year as the quality of rhizome wasnt up to par.

After joining this forum I made an order for 30 irises from Schreiner's. They should be coming, hopefully, before next weekend.
I have discoverered many other reputable iris dealers (I found Mid-America yesterday). I have requested catalogs from several great, highly recommended iris nurseries. I can't wait until next year to order more!!

One thing I noticed though is how much certain varities of iris can vary in price from one reputable nursery to another. For instance, I noticed several different iris that cost as much as $5 more from Schreiner's than it did from Mid-America.

I asked for the id as I want to buy it next year from a reputable source.


Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

'Spice Lord' is listed in Schreiner's catalog as (B. Blyth 2002) $25.00.

Raleigh, NC

have compared this to all my photos I've taken of Spice Lord. it's not quite it. But darn close.

it's also very very close to Paprika Fonos. which is the more likely Rhizome being sold.

husker, you asked about bulbs? there are three main types of iris - bearded, beardless, and bulbous. there's a lot of dutch bulb type irises, like Dutch iris. then add in most everyday gardeners have no idea what a rhizome is and call them "bulbs."

Spicer, MN

You are right bonjon, I shouldn't have judged that way. I know the TBI's but haven't looked into any other form of Iris as far as purchasing them.

I've received them, SDW, BI, etc. as bonuses and they're nice, especially when they bloom before the TBI. Maybe if I were 20 years younger, I would explore them more. They just don't 'trip my trigger'. I love the big awesome, fragrant blooms of the tall bearded.

I am a novice, even through I have loved the tall bearded iris that my Mother grew all those years ago, I have just become addicted and the times have changed since 1980.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Has anyone heard of a TBI called Oratoria? I have a bonus Iris in some I purchased and that is the name given...I can't find that one either...hmmm...and YES I also have some that were sold under "bogus" names and have not been able to identify them either.

disregard this question...I found one spelled oratorio...I am sure that I must have thought the O on the end was an A....sorry.

This message was edited Oct 4, 2009 9:41 AM

Gainesville, TX

I have Spice Lord, bought from Malevil Iris about 2 years ago for $7, nice sized rhizomes.

It is darker than the above pictured, and looks exactly like the one pictured in Shreiner's. Sry I don't have my own picture of it and don't have the authority to show the one I have from Tempo Two's 2006/2007 catalog.

"standards nearly solid sienna red-brown. Falla are creamy white edged in the sienna-red"

Gainesville, TX

Oratorio is a Blyth introduction with parentage from Babylon Queen and Stop Flirting, sorry I don't know the year

Lebanon, OR

Oratorio 2005


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, when I found the picture in Plantfiles I was certainly thrilled to add it to my garden! I can't wait to see it blooming. I love all of the colors we have in Iris now, but for some reason I still enjoy the blues the most..they just seem to put on the best show in my gardens!

Raleigh, NC

sharon, that's exactly what caught my eye, this photo of Spice cake is not dark enough, and too much undertone of yellowgold, not brown enough for Spice Lord. in all my captured photos and my own photos, SL is darker.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Does anyone have a good photo of the TBI "Vandal Spirit?"

This message was edited Oct 7, 2009 5:57 PM

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

If anyone STILL wants to order iris, I would recommend Stanton Iris Gardens, Escondido, CA I just got an order of the largest rhizomes I have ever seen! I ordered 3, he added extras, and by the time my "drooling over iris girl friends" took a few new growths off the sides, we had 3 very happy iris growers. Everything came clean and trimmed and packed properly.

We won't have a frost here until late Nov. so we are still thinking of filling up the empty places in our gardens. :-))


Kennett, MO

third one down

OK, not a GOOD picture but iot is a picture

Spicer, MN

I agree with you completely! When he first advertised on e-bay, I wanted to check it out! I ordered 6 at a good price &
received awesome rhizomes plus nice bonuses. I ordered again, telling him I was 'butting' up against our first freeze
here in MN and he hand wrote a page of instructions on how I could get them going as fast as possible.

I am so envious of your being able to plant Iris now. (Not really because I do love MN) His prices are way too reasonable and his rhizomes are hugh! I look forward to Spring to check out how they produce. I have confidence because they have taken hold. Now, with the first freeze warnings tomorrow night, I will have to get my b..t in gear! It's just too soon because we haven't had the Indian Summer.

God is good!


Kennett, MO

Bad, bad, bad. I was finally finished buying way too many iris, thought all the gardens were finished. But NO, you had to mentions another one. One that happens to have good prices and some very nice iris. I now have to build another raised garden, thanks to you. This is my first year to have any room for iris so I have no will power. I just love them!!
I'm sure I'll forgive you in the spring. LOL
I sure hope they are as nice as everyone says.

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

OOOOh no Leibe! How did I get the blame for this?! Blame it on the iris virus! Let me know if you are happy with your order when it arrives. Hope your back holds out while building those raised beds! Do you have anything reblooming there?

Sharon, right now I'm glad I live in the warm country but in the summer I'd love to move north to coool MN. I'm sorry you have to wait so long to see those iris bloom. I currently have Autumn Circus and Anxious blooming. There is Lo Ho Silver in the club bed ready to bloom. All I bought from Stanton Iris were rebloomers so I hope that next year there will be other rebloomers. I thought since he grows in a warm climate that his iris might like my yard. We shall see. We live for the future...


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Thanks leibe42. A bad photo better than no photo at all. ^_^

husker11, what was the instructions the grower gave to for the cold weather? We have over 40 to plant and it was 24° this AM! We have never planted TBI this late in the season before.

Since you are planting that many so late, it is advised that you cover the rhizomes with straw, or heave soil over the rhizome to prevent heaving of the soil. When the soil heaves, it breaks the roots of irises that aren't established before winter and is the leading cause of loss.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Thanks blomma, we do get a lot of heave and thaws which is really hard on the poor rhizomes. This time of year, up here in the high mountains, the temps have gone from 24° to high 70's in one day. It is very confusing for the plants and trees.

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

The temps. have been flucuating here too. We had two nights of frost, and now the nights will be back in the upper 40s to 50s. We had just enough frost to kill off my more tender annuals :( I was really enjoying my zinnias, and seeing all the colors. Good thing I had just cut a bouqet of them.


Gainesville, TX

Can or do you plant potted iris into the ground year round into the winter months. I still have about 2 dozen in 4 in pots (roots are well established filling the pots now ) was wondering if it will be safe to plant them between now and spring. I am in zone 7a. We rarely get below 20 and that usually in Feb. and march if at all.

Raleigh, NC

we're in 7a, too, and I don't try to plant them here in the ground after Oct 1st unless I'm really really right now, and I"m still planting. for now, I'm going to start putting them in pots next week.

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Since there is never a time when our soil here in this part of West Texas is frozen, it is safe and possible to plant year around. In fact, I throw some lettuce seed out about Thanksgiving time so that it can start growing and really take off in February. I don't think the ground in Gainesville freezes either so it is possible to plant year around. Whether you're going to have blooms on those iris in April is another question. If they have a formed root system that isn't totally distrupted as you transplant them, then I think you have a chance. I have a friend who swears her iris do better if she separates and plants in October/November. I think the fact that she was raised and grew iris in El Paso may have tainted her thinking but her iris grow too.

Gainesville, TX

Thanks Peg,
You are confirming my thoughts, our soil never freezes here cept maybe on the very top if it's muddy. I am in pure red river sand with some additives.

The huge rhizomes, purchased from Dee's left over PNW sale have formed a good root system in the pots and won't be disturbed at planting. I think it will still be safe to get them in the ground sometimes the rest of this month. Now to find space.

photo older Pink Horizon

Thumbnail by sharondippity

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