Morning Glories: Group Seed Swap?

(Zone 7a)

We came from here -

Judith, here's a new thread for you - I don't think slow dial-up folks could have accessed the older thread much longer. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathy for your husband.

And - with Pajonica's poem - the thread was too beautiful to allow to poof

Rides & GardenPom - Wishing you two a belated Happy Birthday

Mittsy - those labels look wonderful - wonder what other kinds of cottage industry might come from the equipment you and your DH brought home?

I can't post too much because my computer is having problems. I don't know if the gardeners on this forum who are helping me with it want to be named, so for now, just want y'all to know there are more blessings among us than may be apparent.

I hope y'all have a great swap, maybe I'll be in the next one - too much going on right now.

Thumbnail by bluespiral
(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I'm still interested..

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

This message was edited Oct 2, 2009 5:33 PM

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I changed my mind about doing a entire thread just for 5 packets of "starter kit" seeds. I went ahead and posted a give away for newbies. I have said 12 before but 5 is what I can manage now. Crop failure sure can throw a monkey wrench int he best of plans. Sometimes life plans for us too.

I must correct myself on one other thing though after taking some time to go back in time reading and it was my idea to do a newbie swap since maybe what I was asking didn`t fit that particular swap. I meant well. I didn`t know trying to give and technically load off my extra but perfectly beautiful seeds to this swap would be a problem. I figured I`d simply mail all of them to Becky and she could stuff the envelopes with the extra freebies. I sure didn`t mean the recipients didn`t have to send seeds to the swap. I only suggested newbie traders (who were mailing in their own trade seeds and SASEs )get the starter packets since they were created for newbies.

( It turns out I have a helper now. The sase swaps will be on the seed trade forum.)

Edited to add: I`m planning on sending seeds already labeled and bagged to slip onto packages that I think people would enjoy. I don`t see specific lists but I do have some to add to the swap. If I`m not here later on I`ll just send them in as a gift. I have so many morning glories and plan on downsizing the growouts to try other kinds of flowers so I want to Give and maybe just not be specific but just quietly send them on.

Edited: To add additional information without cluttering the thread.

This message was edited Oct 7, 2009 10:04 AM

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I don't know how many or what kind I'll have this year yet, but I'd like to swap with folks.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have pulled up my vines and bamboo poles, wrapped the roots in wet paper towels and bagged them. I have them leaning up against the patio doors to give them as much light as possible. No sun as we are in rainy season. But I will be planting them again next week in beautiful sunny Fl. They are just full of green seed pods. Wish me luck.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Found my lovely Morning Storm ripped out of the pot this am and dirt spilled everywhere. It is just full of seed pods. Going to try and save them. This happened to me in 06 with Purple Blizzard. I harvested
the torn vine seed pods and planted a few as a test early the next season.After a month they weren't up so I over planted them with something else. You guessed it, in a week I had 2 up in every cell of the 6 pk. lol. They were bright green too when the vines were pulled/torn loose, amazing

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

THANK YOU, MITTSY for the awesome plant labels!!!! Actually ... I think you are the generous one! :-) I want to mount them on plant markers. What is the size of those labels? Plastic - so cool! They look really nice, Mittsy! They will get lots of use, I can assure you! :-)

I hope those vines make the trip to Florida! I read your post and am afraid that you may have misunderstood what I said. (sorry!!!) Most MGs do best in a transplant if the roots are not disturbed or have very little disturbance. I had thought that you said they were growing in pots and you were just bringing the pots with the vines (undisturbed) with you. I didn't know you were digging them up and exposing the roots. (eek!) I don't know how well they will recover from such a shock to their root system. I'll feel terrible if they don't make it ... I soooo apologize!!!!

Karen (gardener2005) - I am not even going to comment on your posts. Why you even dmailed me in the first place makes absolutely no sense to me, since you are now sharing seeds with newbies contrary to what you dmailed me. But that is very nice of you to share some of your beautiful hybrids with newbies (as shown in your photos)! Very generous of you. :-)

Karren (bluespiral) - Thanks for starting a new thread. I hope it doesn't get confusing as perhaps this one should of had a "Part 2" title so that everyone would know which one is which. Hopefully this one won't get quite so long.

Judith - We would love to have you join us in this swap!! Whatever you have, I know everyone will enjoy receiving them from you!

Jackie - What pulled out your vine from the pot? Yikes! I hope it can be salvaged. I've had seeds that were stubborn too. Sowed them and then gave up only to have them sprout, grow, and bloom months later! Some of these seeds have a mind of their own! LOL!

This message was edited Oct 2, 2009 7:10 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Mittsy - Put the roots in water and hopefully they will survive long enough to give you plenty of ripe seeds! Again, I truly apologize. I swear I thought you were just bringing the pots with the vines in them with you. I had no idea you were digging them up. Oh my ... talk about a miscommunication on my part! (sigh) But ... You will get more seeds from me if the vines are not salvagable! That I promise you!!! :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, Had to be the feral cat that comes around to eat. I don't mind
feeding him but he jumps female cats, he's crazy. Looks like there
was a battle with my vine coming out the loser. When my big Kitty# 1 tore off 2 stems of Purp blizz in 06, I just left them hanging and the
seed pods still ripened and sprouted. That was the amazing part. Goes against everything we have been told about mg seeds. :-)

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Becky, The only one that came from me hybridizing is the kikyo ice. I don`t even know if people will like them or want to grow them. If they do then they will get passed around. The others are all Japanese Morning Glory varieties. I`m sending some JMG varieties to this swap too. Karen

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Karen - I am sure everyone will appreciate it.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Darn cats! They need to pick their fights somewhere else! LOL! Sheesh! Sometimes you just can't win! That's very informative what you said about the seed pods continuing to ripen even after the vine was damaged. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?! (shaking my head in amazement ...)

This message was edited Oct 2, 2009 9:26 PM

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i am in love with kikyo ice i think its a winner or sure and would love to grow it.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

patootie, that gives me hope for my vines with lots of unripened seeds. I'll have to see how they're doing. I'll try to isolate some of those great seeds that seemed to mutate this year. These are three I can't identify, but they came from Becky. The one at the bottom is going by in the photo, but they all were exotic looking like that. I think one is Jamie Lynn, but I don't know what the purple one is.

Thumbnail by revclaus
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Judith, I think it would be worth while to experiment by bringing a few
cut stems with pods in the house to finish drying. If it's getting down in
the 40's here at night, can't imagine how cold it is there.
If some are in pots, could bring them in to finish ripening.
Love the Jamie Lynn.
Becky, will see what happens to the broken stem with pods on Morning Storm. I think the pods will turn completely brown
within 2 or 3 weeks. I'll test them this spring or maybe even
try one this winter.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Do I just cut them off and put them in water? I've never done that before. I can do it if that's all it takes.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes you can just cut generous portion of stem with seed pods and place it in a cup of water, changing the water daily as Becky suggested.
Experimenting with the broken stem of Morning Storm, I'm just going tio
let the stem continue to dry out. I think my seed pods will turn brown
and crispy in 2-3 weeks. Then I will test my sds.
Placing yours in a cup of fresh water to ripen is a much safer bet than what
I'm going to do. Or not going to do, no cup of water for me. lol


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Judith - I've had to do that numerous times when a stem breaks and always got good seeds after the pods ripened. I've never had any of the stems make roots though. I've heard some others here have had luck rooting stem cuttings. Ha! I guess I just don't have the touch! LOL!

Jackie - I am interested to see what your experiment yields. :-) Keep us posted when you do this experiment and then the grow-out of the seeds! :-) Take a photo of the seed pods so we can see how big the pods are when you start this experiment. I would imagine they are nice, big pods, not the start of a pod formation, right?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I just went out to check the size of the seed pods Becky. A little
worried, they were just starting to plump up good. We shall see.
All I can do at this point is to try.
My poor vine.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwwwwww.. they look like they are cold!Hey guys, I have been plucking away, but now I am cutting my vines and they are in a rooting tub... I have successfully rooted two lobata vines, and the setosa and other JMGs that are in the rooting tub are bloomng, so that is good news.
Hi Judith... welcome back to the MG forum, also sending hugs to help you with your loss...
Hi Karen, glad to see you here, as well as all the rest of you..
Lets' keep the thread going with updates here.. I am anxious for the swap, my grow out area is almost complete.
Marie, your bahauia will be coming your way this week.. I had to wait until I was finished getting the rest of the tropcials in. I have (6 ) I. Carnea seedlings if any one wants one.. I am only keeping my one I sowed last winter..

Chewelah, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi. I just stumbled across this discussion. Since I'm trying to salvage some seeds off a lost vine too, I'll be very interested in how those seed pods develop. I have a few in water and some of the larger, "almost there" green pods in a cup above my fireplace to dry out. Keeping fingers crossed. :-)

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Becky I`m loading off 15 individual sized baggies (about 12 to 15 seeds each)of Ukigumo and Sazanami open pollinated mix on you. They have some that show light blue Mount fuji and some were a Mount Fuji blizzard spoked combination like a open pollinated cross between Sazanami and Mount fuji. They might have plenty of neat variations you never know until you grow.More is better always! Karen

DC# 0309 1140 0000 1041 8132

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Karen! Will include them in the swap! Will let you know when I receive them.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

okay, this work schedule and I are not getting along.. it is dark by the time I get home, it is supposed to freeze sat nite.. , the shibouri curtain is still outside, will cut it down at the ground and put whole vines into a pillow case to finish what ever it can..
I have all kinds of blooms in the basement, pretty cool..
Marie, the bahaunia is pouting, I can't send it until it perks back up.. my stricto has abud, it likes where it is at.. jishi x tenten has about a 50 plus pods.. akatsu no mai and miko no mai both have about 150 pods, and the unknown blue and liz'z lavender beauty each had about 20 to 25 pods.. lobata is just nnow blooming on thenorth fence, will see if I can salvage the blooms that have been pollinated to the rooting tub, Roman Candy and Soh both have over a hundred pods, they are in pillow cases drying out naturally, setosa and messina creeper have been very prolific, messina creeper had about 300 pods, but I threw 200 away.. setosa has not finished drying out her pods yet so am cutting all the pod stems to put in rooting tub.. cypress vine is throwing seed pods right and left.. only about three pods from wedding bells since I cut her early.. ( planted late too) I. Lind has five pods not used to an early freeze like this..
Charlie has the yellow from emma bloming will go over there after work and dig it up, and his setosa as well.. he has an I.nil there I planted a cocoa choclate.. will dig that one up too.. *sigh*

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra - Yeah, I don't think I would be too happy with such hours, either. When is the time change? The end of this month?

Could you post a photo of your rooting tub? I'd love to see it!

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Beckyg....sorry....I should have said. we went to Panama City Beach.
i know...a major tourist area, but i went with my sister and niece and friends. a girls only - much needed fall break. it was nice to be warm and bake on the beach and pool, but its back to Fall weather here.

i skimmed thru the last week of posts but i'll try to catch up soon.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have started a new thread, so please go here:

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