FYI - Atlas Gloves Co-op.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Don't know if any of you use these gloves, I love them! There is a new co-op starting if you care to order...


Keaau, HI

Hey Jenn! What is an Atlas Glove?

Virginia Beach, VA

I bought 12 last year from a DG coop and love them. It comes several colors and wash them and had not lost its color. I think they sell for much higher in the store. I am using 3 and has 9 more . Belle

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Dave, they are very comfortable gardening gloves which really fit like a second skin. I wouldn't call them heavy duty gloves though. I always hated gloves in the garden because you don't have as much "feel-ability", but I find these nitrile (Sp?) gloves let you do delicate tasks, such as dealing with seedlings. They sell here for over $8.00 a pair on Maui but are as low as $3.00 something on the co-op. I don't know anything about the thermal gloves that are on the co-op, but people seem to like them too -maybe they are more heavy duty, I am not sure. They do have a link to the company on the co-op forum so you can check them out.

I know Carol and Katie both buy them, and like them too.


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