Awesome book...

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

While I was trying to find the answer to my question about tulips needing to be chilled in my zone I stumbled across this book. This was my second day searching trying to find my answer. This book has excerpts of some pages to view online. This book is great!

It is The Carolinas Gardeners Guide by Toby Bost and Jim Wilson.

The link is:

BTW I figured out the answer to my quesion on tulips. It said to plant them between the first frost and Thanksgiving.


Raleigh, NC

some of the best companies wont' even ship to us here in NC, addict, until Nov. 1st.

in our climate, make sure you give them FULL sun. daffs will do fine under our trees, but tulips not in full sun for me just don't bloom.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

That is a great book.

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