Question about Brazilian Iris

Crozet, VA

Hi to everyone - My husband brought home an odd plant yesterday that his sister had given him. It is a slip from a plant that she has had for a while. He said that she is calling it a Brazilian Iris and told him it can be either a houseplant or an outside plant. Her instructions to him was to find out how the slip should be planted. She has it planted in a pot, but the question I suppose is whether or not some of the rhizome should be visible if we plan to use this as an indoor plant? All of this is totally new to the three of us, so I thought that I would check here and see if anyone has experience with this plant. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.

South Hamilton, MA

Is it a 'walking iris'? They are not hardy--don't know botanical name.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Must be a protected link.

This message was edited Oct 1, 2009 3:00 PM

This message was edited Oct 1, 2009 3:05 PM

This message was edited Oct 1, 2009 3:07 PM

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Google 'brazilian iris'
Select 'central florida garden'
Select 'dave's garden'

Has a lot of info you may find interesting.

Taylorsville, KY

Ok, here is a bunch of info for you. The "walking iris" is neomarica. It originates in Brazil. There are 3 types -- northiana, which is large and is blue, white with a brown center. Gracillus is the same color, but has a smaller bloom. These two both bloom from their leaves and bloom in late winter. The 3rd type is longifolia. It blooms from a stalk, is yellow and is blooming now. It is NOT hardy in my zone 6a -- however, it is growing well and blooming in far southern Georgia I'm told, which is zone 8. So, you will be able to tell which one you have when it blooms!

Sue - Zone 6a

Crozet, VA

Thank you so much everyone. I will do as you have instructed and if I find anything particularly interesting, I will check back in and share the news. I got excited when I saw the winter bloom possibility. Doesn't a nice colorful bloom lift one's spirit in the middle of a long cold winter?

A few years ago I bought a package of I believe they were called Lily Whites during the winter months and waited eagerly for some blooms. Well, the plant bloomed, but their odor was so bad that I ended up throwing it out. Broke my heart.]

Thanks again, and I may be back.


South Hamilton, MA

those sound like 'paper-white' daffodils

Crozet, VA

Nah, they weren't Daffodils. Actually if I remember correctly, the bloom on them seemed a bit like a Hyachinth, but not as close together. I see whatever they were out in the stores at Christmas time. Dang, got me stumped.


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