Today's article on perennial vines

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

What are your feelings about this article? I inheirted a trumpet vine and would not let it loose on anyone.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm not fond of any underground running plants so I'd nix it although it's beautiful in other people's gardens. Nice to view from a distance but I've been trying to get rid of mine for many years without success.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I see them growing wild on the edge of woods around here. Like Pirl, I enjoy seeing them from a distance.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Has anyone noticed that some of the stuff nursery's are selling are basicly weeds? Things that we see grow along the road like trumpet vine, sweet autum clementis. I am even wondering about the scotch broom that I bought. As I drive to work I really think I see it growing along the woods edge. I bought these 2 grasses a few years ago that look like they are nothng but weeds. That is what they look like, something that I could have dug up from the side of the road.Even a friend said the same thing.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

So true!

Baton Rouge, LA

There's an article in the October 2009 "Garden Gate" that lists invasive plants that are commonly sold in retail locations. Quite often, I find that the plants marketed as "hardy plants" should actually be labeled "impossible to kill plants that will eat the rest of your garden"!!! I usually peruse the nurseries first, noting names for plants of interest, and then look them up in PlantFiles before purchasing. Life's too short to waste time pulling out unwanted volunteers in the garden!

Louisville, KY

Somewhere I read the phrase "thugs in the garden " to describe natives. IMHO most natives go wild in the rich soil of a good flower bed.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

There is a trumpet vine growing on a black walnut tree adjoining my back yard. Since few plants grow near black walnut trees, it is a welcome shot of color. It also draws humming birds. I think it has its place in wooded settings. I took a start of it an placed it in a pot to grow on a post.

I agree that nurseries should be more responsible about labeling and selling plants, especially potentially invasive ones.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Trumpet vines are beautiful, so are wisteria, morning glories but they become invasive. You'll find they reseed everywhere, in the lawn or in flowerbeds far away from where it is planted. I had an orange trumpet vine and it was beautiful when it bloomed but one time we had a very bad wind storm come up and we look out and the trumpet vine is flapping in the wind. These vines are very strong! They have tendicles that stick to anything and we had to drag a ladder out and tie that vine back in place on the storage shed roof. and anchor the rope around nails on the opposite side of our shed. It ripped shingles off and everything, replaced the T-111 siding many times because of that d%%%trumpet vine.

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