Ohio buckeye

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 6b)


Buckeyes in town lost their leaves weeks ago, which wasn't surprising, since they seem to bloom early, and lose their leaves also early. However, they are sprouting new leaves and flowers as we head towards October. I guess these flowers and leaves are bound to die in the cold of winter. But is the whole thing normal? Shouldn't these trees wait out through the winter before trying again?

Peoria, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a Magnolia that is also trying to flower again. I saw a very large Magnolia on the grounds of a nursery a couple months ago that was getting ready to bloom. I blame it on the changes in weather patterns.

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Funny you say that, because of all recent years, the weather in our are this past spring and summer has been textbook Northeastern with a lot of rain, moderate temperatures without to many sweltering summer days, and a clockwork cooling in late summer - early fall.

Do you think it could be just a normal phenomenon? Or the result of too much rain?

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