Tsunami Watch for Hawai'i.

Keaau, HI

Hawai'i is under a Tsunami Watch.

At about 8:00 AM there was a 7.9 Earthquake in Samoa.

Pay attention to the news if you're in the lowlands!

Aloha, Dave

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Just phoned Laurie to get off the beach and come home. Also called work in case they hadn't heard - they are just across the road from the beach. The DL&R rangers are clearing the wilder beach areas already and then are going to be closing down the one and only road out to Makena and La Perouse. Police sirens are going off all the time, I can't decide if they are going to an accident or if it's something to do with the warning.

Be safe all....

Keaau, HI

Good move Jenn!

The Tsunami Watch has been canceled, but there still is a Tsunami Advisory.

Several folks have been killed by 50 ft. waves in Samoa.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, am hearing that too about Samoa

Xai Xai, Mozambique

you all stay safe!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

My heart is going out to those in Samoa who are suffering the afteraffects of this quake. It was a doozy! We also had a tsunami warning, but it was cancelled after NOAA realized who we were. Our island is so small that the shock wave just passes us by like a speed bump in the ocean...no slope to build a wave on. However, should one of those waves decide to pay us a visit, that would be it for Kwaj. At our size, there would be nothing left...as I told my mom, it's hard to communicate from under water.

We have been having computer and television problems for a couple of weeks now. One of our antennas was damaged by high winds, and we have been reduced to three or four tv channels, and our internet connections have been spotty at best. So if you don't get this post, let me know and I'll call in a new one...ha ha. It is so frustrating to be talking on the phone, and have the call just lost...in the middle of something on the pooter, and it just goes away....aaaah....island life, ain't it grand?

Yes it is! I just need to go watch the dolphins play during a beautiful sunset, and all the above problems mean nothing.

Collections for some of the other pacific islands are proceeding apace, so I must go monitor the progress...

Yokwe all,

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

So glad to hear you are OK. My heart goes out to those who were in the path of the quakes or waves.

Kapaa, HI

From Kauai, Hawaii

I did not hear about the tsunami watch until late the same evening of the watch. I was near the beach all day the day of the quake. I saw nothing unusual. However, I do know what to do if i see the ocean suck out. runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Fortunately i live in the hills. It was a conscious decision for me to build my house in the hills. I had heard tsunami stories from old timers about the 1960 and 1946 (i am not 100% sure of the year) inundations.

(Zone 1)

That was a powerful Earthquake and the resulting Tsunami caused so much devastation. It's so sad watching the news reports, I just cannot imagine a 20' or 30' wave rushing in and devouring everything in it's path ... very scary. My thoughts and prayers going out to the families and friends of those affected by the Tsunami and my sympathy to those who lost loved ones.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Every time a tsunami alert is in force, I tell myself that the Florida coast would also be vulnerable to tsunamis if an earthquake happened anywhere in the Atlantic. Our house is only 11 feet above sea level and not that far inland from the shore. There is NO higher ground in Florida. The place is as flat as a pancake. You can run but you can't climb or hide. I imagine a 20-30 foot tsinami could basically run all the way from the beach to the Everglades, wiping out everything in its way. Lord protect us all.

Take care, everyone.

(Zone 1)

Sylvain: I'm in Daytona Beach and we are 9' above Sea Level, same as the Delray Beach area. Our local newspaper had an article last week regarding Tsunami's possibly hitting the East Coast of Florida: http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJournalOnline/News/Local/newEAST08BEACH100209.htm

I never even knew about Tsunami waves coming ashore in this part of the world until reading that article. We had what they called a rogue wave hit Daytona Beach 1992. We were out of town at the time and it was minor but sure was the talk of the town for awhile. If a 20-30' Tsunami hit anywhere along the east coast of Florida it would cause massive destruction as it does in the Pacific Islands area. If something like that were to hit the Florida Keys, they would be no more. I've lived in the south all of my 61 years and as scary as Hurricanes sometimes are ... the thought of Earthquakes and Tsunami's are really scary!

Thoughts and Prayers still going out to those affected by the Earthquakes and Tsunami.

Xai Xai, Mozambique

my prayers and sympathy going out to those who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
we fortunately don't run much risk here, Madagascar shields us a lot.

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