Aristolochia ringens

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

I have had an A. ringens for many years. I has NEVER bloomed. I once grew it in a pot. It made a nice vine, very tough and lived through the winter in 8b just fine. In early spring I moved it into a large planter box where ringens has thrived, but still no blooms. Is it time to dig and pitch this vine? No pipevine swallowtails ever used it even though they do visit my other flowers for nectar.

Dover, NJ

I'd hit it with some bloom enhancer fertilizer, and if it doesn't bloom before winter toss it and get a new one. I think they are fall bloomers. Mine are blooming now.

Good luck!

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks. I gave it a good all around fertilizer and organic amendments in spring. One last hurrah and so long.

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