
Andover, KS

I have what has been told to me, a large moonflower, that just appeared in our garden. But, when I look it up, it states it is a vine, and this is a large plant. Secondly, it has spindly seed pods, which right now are green and soft. The flower looks like all the plants I have found, it is just different in the two ways mentioned. I cannot send a picture, as I unfortunately need one of my grandchildren here to show me how. Thanks

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha kgerla2, glad you dropped by!

I believe quite a few plants are known as "moonflower", but I wonder if it could be a Datura? They sure have spiney seed pods...Try a plant search under the Genus "Datura" (sorry I have no idea how to link you to it). There are some great pictures there which may help you id yours.


Xai Xai, Mozambique

i have a plant we call a moonflower its in the brugmansia family. hope it helps!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here is a link to Daturas

They bloom in the evening and close up early morning, most are fragrant, and produce spiny seed pods.

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