Rebloomers in my Zone 7A NC?? Need help..

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Hello fellow Iris Maniacs,

From a soon to be Iris Addict, I need some help. I plan to order my first irises from Schriener's tomorrow. I am interested in ordering rebloomers. However, I know that it depends on your zone/area.

Does anyone know what irises are reliable rebloomers in my Zone 7A in North Carolina?

I know on their website they list reblooming varities, but that is for their area in Oregon. I'm not sure if that pertains to my zone.


Raleigh, NC

you will find some rebloomers through Schreiners, not a lot. they do not specialize in them. think they are 7b or 8 - their summers and winters seem milder than ours.

remember, any iris that reblooms in 7a and lower will work. an iris that reblooms in 7b might work. any iris that reblooms in 8 and higher probably won't work, especially if it reblooms late (after late October). rebloomers can rebloom anywhere from summer to frost.

This message was edited Sep 25, 2009 6:43 PM

Raleigh, NC

try the reblooming iris society!

go to

look at the reports for zones lower than ours.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I would strongly suggest before next year, that you order the catalogue from Winterberry Gardens. They specialize in rebloomers, have tons of them listed, and I would say they are about 400 miles north of you. A lot of what would rebloom for them would do well for you.

They only have a print catalogue, no web site, but their catalogue is a wealth of information, just for info on the rebloomers alone, but hybridizing, and growing irises too.

They are not good about answering emails, so it's best to call them, or write to them. The catalogue is 5.00, and it will be refunded with purchase, but very well worth it.

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone,

Thanks for all your help. I had checked out the Reblooming Iris Society site, but didn't understand the fact that any iris that reblooms in zone 7A or lower would probably rebloom for me. I thought there were certain varities for particular zones that they would only work in that zone. I saw their list on their site with some varities and zones listed. I'll take a closer look at it now that I understand.

I believe it was Mitt who clued me in on Winterberry Gardens they are done for this year though. I already emailed Ginny and got a reply today. I will be put on the mail-out list for next year. She said they have a lot of rebloomers.

Schreiner's seems to be the only place still sending out iris at this point. I will look over their site more to see if I will place an order. Last night I was looking at their site going over the pictures, and everyone I clicked on for more information was a newer year introduction. Of course, I have expensive taste so it didn't suprise me that the ones I all loved were $30 and up per iris. :)

I may buy a few from Schreiner's this year, but will only get a few as I will wait for Winterberry Gardens next year to make a bigger purchase. I already have some iris coming in the mail soon so maybe just a few more this year :)

Isn't it how it always starts with just a few.....


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Yup, you're hooked!

Raleigh, NC

and addict is only getting started, right, Polly? LOL

yes, Winterberry's is a great place to get started for rebloomers for our zone. But I got started at Suttons, who like to hybridize for SA irises and rebloomers. They have a chart that works for picking out theirs, and since they are zone 9 or 10, it's best to pay careful attention to their chart.

another I've heard has a growing "stable" of reblooming iris is Superstition iris. again, no website - you have to write for printout.

one of my favorite reblooming iris hybridizers was Zurbrigg. he spent his last years here in NC. Also some from Opal Brown - she had a fair number that rebloomed that never became really popular.

Gilbertsville, KY(Zone 7a)

You might also try Betty Wilkerson in Scottsville, KY -- Web site
She specializes hybridizing reblooming irises.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Right Bonjon!

Yes, Superstition is wonderful, too. They do have some pictures on the internet. Oh, why don't these places get a website?????????

South Hamilton, MA

You can find Superstition photos at It's not the same as a reblooming list, but you might see something that you like.

Raleigh, NC

ya know, I just reread my first post here, and I didn't say that right. should have said that Sutton's rebloom reliability charts usually state the lowest zone that rebloom has been reported in.

But the reblooming iris society's reports simply report that an iris has rebloomed in a certain state or zone. that iris may rebloom in a much lower zone, too. They collect data every year. I don't see any other reports here except for 2003's, and no reports for a lot of states. If you are a member, you probably get more info than this.

oh, yes, I had forgotten about Wilkerson's breeding efforts! Just saw a few of hers for the first time and they are very nice!

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I ordered my first batch of TB Irises from Schreiner's. I was just going to get a few.....(sheepish smile) I'm sure we all know how that one ends :)

This is what I bought:

Rock Star
Halloween Halo
Las Vegas
Mariposa Autumn
Spirit of Memphis
(above I researched & think they should be reblooming in my zone)
(the below ones are just pretty though not rebloomers)
Afternoon Delight
Awesome Blossom
Celebration Song
Champagne Waltz
China Dragon
Circus World
Copper Classic
Edith Wolford
Fall Fiesta
Foreign Legion
Ransom Note
Midnight Oil
Neutron Dance
Presby`s Crown Jewel
Secret Service
Sultan`s Palace
Touch of Mahogany
Wearing Rubies
Made of Magic
Winter Waltz (free selection)

So a few from Schreiner's turned into 28 irises....

From another company, Spring Hill, that I had bought before joining this forum (haven't shipped yet):
Immortality (1), Cloud Ballet(1), Best Bet German (2), Silver Streak (1), and Pink Attraction (2)

Should be interesting to photo the differences in the arrived shipments of irises from Schreiners and SH...also the growing differences (though they aren't the same varities).

Now to just create a new bed for them. I was going to incorporate the few I was going to buy in my other garden beds with just taking the mulch away where I planted them. Now I will have to make a new bed it will be easier then I dont have to remove mulch that was already there.

Those of us with clay soil what should I till in to help with better soil for the irises? I will be putting them in an area that recieves sun from noon on, and it is on a slight slope which should help with drainage.


Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Spring Hill may send you what you ordered and maybe they will send you what they happen to have slapped a lable on and let you figure out what it is later. They did that to a friend of mine. The have some negative reviews in their DG feedback for good reason.

Raleigh, NC

TBs are a bit like Pringles. Or Lays. Can't eat just one.^_^

now, for your next iris assignment. try this!

go to
under Regions, we are Region 4.
figure out which iris society is closest to you, the one in the Mts. or Charlotte. (you are about 1/2 way between them). don't know the Mt.s folks. Charlotte is an active bunch, usually have a May iris show (public), a July sale, sometimes fall sale. I know Carrie Winters there. she's a bit shy, but she's a warehouse of info.

I'll bet if you call the contact #s on the website, and ask to be a guest at a meeting that has an educational presentation, they'll let ya! you will learn ten tons about irises, and many best ways to grow them. best of all, the members will answer all the questions you can ask! I'm part of the Eastern NC group. we usually do a no host meeting at a restaurant and have a luncheon there.

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