Morning Glories 2009 #17

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Another view...

Thumbnail by Seedsower
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Lastly...the one with the REALLY long name....

Thumbnail by Seedsower
Gautier, MS

Thanks Jackie and Becky. I'll keep posting blooms of Sazanami #2 as long as they aren't too bad looking.

Pretty Pavonia Jackie, I'm interested in seeds.

Cool hige Colin. Pretty blooms too Jackie and Becky. Very nice show of blooms too Seedsower, I'm partial to your blue blizzard and the Kanoko.
Great blooms everyone.

This is from my tie dye, hoping for seeds as most fall off. Not posting any other pics as my blooms are with tears. I should have another threat for my not perfect blooms, lol.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 8:59 AM

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Colin, Love your hot pink hige. My little Plum Delight is in a 3 inch pot.
Just happy to get any blooms on it.
Debra, the I. lindh. is so pretty.
Sandy, gorgeous blooms.
Helena,lol about an ugly bloom thread. Wish I had not deleted my ugly
Fuji Shibori pics. Don't know why every bloom on my Fuji Shibori was so ugly.
I'm going to send in 10 pkts, 5 sds each, of the Pink Pavonia.

Look what I found in my back yard this morning. The bloom maybe
2 inches across probably a bit smaller. Does anyone have a clue?
Must be a gift from the birdies

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Thanks! I would have thought that mine being lavender and showing such a wonderful pattern was a fluke or a cross ... but Sandy got blooms like that too! I hope that Helena's blue ones start producing that unique pattern too! :-) So far, my vine has 4 seed pods on it. And they might be crosses. Though, no matter what they are, I am sure they will be a joy to grow. This vine in far from finished yet, so I am hoping that it will still produce many more seed pods so that I have lots to share. :-)

Debra - Your hidden pink/lavender bloom is a sweet one! Sounds like you have them coming up all over the place! :-) Love it! Thanks for giving Mittsy the thread for the group seed swap. :-) The more the merrier! :-)

Mittsy - Those are really nice tags. What are the plant names on the tags that you are wanting to trade? Are they all Iris names?

Colin - Your hot pink hige is a beauty! I can not believe how well all your higes did for you this year! I. purpureas must do well in your climate. With the heat here, they get pretty raggedy and sad looking. Apparently, they are not heat lovers like the I. nils. ;-) BTW - I didn't know that the lindheimeri had a scent. Now you have me interested to know more about that one! :-)

Sandy - WOW! Nice garden! Your MGs are truly stunning!!!! I love that purple blizzard and the Kanoko! Is the Kanoko a large bloom? Your Crimson Ramblers growing from the compost pile are lovely! As are you Purple Flaked blooms! And who can resist the double Kikyos? Truly lovely ... all of them! I'm glad you joined us and shared your blooms with us! :-)

Helena - Cool looking tie-dye!

I like your idea for a thread for the "not so perfect" MG blooms! We should start such a thread! I have lots of photos! LOL!

Jackie - Nice little surprise bloom you had show up in your yard! Pretty color and I like the white margin on it! Don't know what it might be, but what a lovely gift from Mother Nature! :-) Thanks for sending the 10 packs of Pink Pavonia seeds! :-) I know many will want them! :-)

This message was edited Sep 26, 2009 11:53 PM

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, thanks. I think I can send that many Pavonia. It's still blooming
and setting seeds.
Getting down in the 50's here tonight. Strange weather for Sept.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm sorry I didn't explain myself better. When my husband left GE after the sale with Lockheed Martin Marietta. (They closed his machine shop where he built prototypes). We purchased all the equipment. I discovered the Green Engraving machine and immediately knew I wanted it .It is an antique (a relic) before computers, but I just love it and custom engrave all my gardening tags. I'd pack the machine for Florida and engrave them to order. I already have a drill press in Fl so no problem putting in the holes for the stainless wire. I don't have a lot of blanks to engrave on but will look into pricing so I could figure out what a fair trade would be. Becky, if you give me the name of one that you'd like I'll make up a sample for you. Respond quickly as we are in packing mode.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Are those record lows for you? We are getting record highs right now for my area. The weather is like the middle of August here with the sun and heat factor, but it is almost October! One good thing ... no tropical storms this year because of El Nina (or El Nino ... which ever one it is! lol). And my glories are happy as a can be! :-)

Mittsy - Oooooooh! SWEET!!!! Seriously ... I will order some from you!! That is so cool! My request would be really weird though ... I don't want holes drilled in mine. I want to mount them on a piece of wood or a metal plant marker. And I would want something engraved on them like: "MG Vine #1", "MG Vine #2", etc.

My dilemma here is that the intense sun completely fades all my markers, so that I can't read them when it comes time to harvest seeds. (Though I also map out the areas my vines are in, so that I still know what is what.) I don't label mine with a name, but a number or letter. I have a cross-reference sheet in a binder near my computer! That way I can use the markers over and over!

But I would also be interested in some markers with plant names, too. I like the idea of having staked markers in the ground near my plants so if family or friends come over and want to know what something is, they can read it for themselves. But I would want both the common name and the botany name since many plants share common names, like:
"Red Powder Puff
Calliandra haematocephala"

If that is too long or too much engraving, then the botany name would work just fine:
"Calliandra haematocephala"

Okay, now that I have overwhelmed you ... thanks for even offering and sharing your special talent with us! Very, very cool!!!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Becky try pencil it doesn't fade. I use old mini blinds cut to point or with a hole punched in them to hang.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Pencil? You mean like a regular pencil or a grease pencil? Hmmm ... I never thought of that!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It's rainy and cool today and the garage isn't heated so I'll try for tomorrow.

MG Vine #1 no hole

Gautier, MS

I use the mini blinds too and the square construction pencils from Lowes. Works pretty good.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, I don't think it made it to 58. Wind was blowing which keeps
the temps up. It's been really weird here. High temps in Aug, just
the 80's for the most part,. some days high's in the 70's. Some
old timers here (like I'm not) lol, think we're in for a bitter cold winter.
If so, hope it kills tons of fleas.

Jo Hanten Shibori, looks like no hikari somewhat and
perhaps out of the same flaked as Jamie Lynn which it also

Thumbnail by patootie
(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Rotten here too Jackie!!

Becky regular pencil!! I swear it never comes off!! LOL

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I love the wax pencils from office supply. Just dont like
peeling the thread down to reveal more of the point.. Guess
this is the same as a grease pencil.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks y'all for the heads up on using a pencil. It never crossed my mind to try that! LOL! I tried permanent markers which I soon found out are NOT permanent afterall. Ha! I have blinds I have been cutting up for the past couple of years. My biggest problem besides that is the squirrels digging my markers up when they bury the nuts. LOL!

Jackie - Holy Cow! 58 degrees! Brrrrr ... I can't even fathom that here yet! LOL! Your Jo Hanten Shibori is beautiful! I like it a lot! Is it an I. purpurea?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Y'all are probably tired of seeing the same vines, but some of the photos are worth sharing. This is the Diluted Fuji no Muraski. Interestingly, the pink at the throat is extending outwards towards the edge of the bloom. Kinda cool. And the shape of the blooms was kinda of a rectangle today! LOL! It looked neat!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

The blooms on that vine stayed open all day. Even in the heat! Here is what it looked like as the day wore on ...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Another bloom at the end of the day. If only this vine would produce some seeds ... I'd be kissing it's little tendrils! LOL! I just gave all the vines another hit of Bloom Booster hoping they continue to bloom and hopefully makes seeds! (sigh)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have to laugh ... I've been wanting some true red blooms on a MG vine. Well, as the dark pink Kikyo color changes as the day progresses, the blooms stay open and they turn ... none other than RED! Yay! I just happen to like the color red, so this pleases me! ;-) Good going, kikyo! :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

And for those of you that are interested in seeing more of the Sazanami vine, here you can see the beautiful foliage too. I am so in awe of this cultivar! Top 5 of my favorites! :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, I'm not sure if Jo Hanten Shibori is a purpurea or not. I may
not know until I see her seed pods. lol
Gorgeous blooms. I for one don't get tired of the diluted
Fuji or the Sazanami.

Yaguruma Blizzard

Thumbnail by patootie
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

What is the difference in brown seeds or black seeds?

Gautier, MS

I never tire of seeing all the pretty blooms Becky and Jackie!

My purple velvet, that star will be gone by midmorning.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Gautier, MS

I let these vines come up from last year and yeah, they are from my little pumpkin mgs. They bloom a little later than the red ones.

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Gautier, MS

A closer look, why I call them pumpkin- the center of the bloom is different from the yellow ones.

Thumbnail by helenahkh

lovely blooms again everyone...

seedsower... this ones a beauty:

Becky i don't think i would ever have enough of that Sazanami vine...... and i just love how the Diluted FNM changes colour....

Helenahkh... i'm in love with your pumpkin mg's i would love to trade you for some...

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Helena, I love your little pumpkin mg's too, so cute.

Gautier, MS

Thanks Colin and Jackie. Would love to trade with you Colin, will let you know when I have seeds ready.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Beautiful Yaguruma! Love the rich color of that bloom! Very nice!

Mittsy - You asked, "What is the difference in brown seeds or black seeds?" I'd have to say the color!!! LOL! GOT YA!!!

Certain seed colors may be representative of specific cultivars within a subspecies. But most vines can produce seeds from light tan/brown to dark black. And of course if they are crossed, then the possibilities are endless ...

Helena - Purple Velvet is beautiful! Nice star pattern on that one, too! :-) And your little yellow "pumpkin" blooms are the cutest! You don't usually see the small yellow blooms like that! Very nice. I hope you get lots of seeds! :-)

Glad I am not boring too many with my bloom photos of the same cultivars over and over again. lol And with that said...

I got a great shot of the Sazanami showing both of the different patterned blooms together. This is just one single vine. One vine to a 5 gallon container.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I got a really unusual bloom on the Diluted Fuji no Muraski. A lighter shade of blue as you can see in my photo. This bloom was much smaller too. First time I've seen a bloom like that on DFNM.

I want to post more on this thread and other threads ... but it was a busy day today and I am literally falling asleep here at the computer. I'll catch y'all tomorrow!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky.
Lovely pic of Sazanami showing both patterns.
Very unusual bloom on DFNM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

so beautifull wow

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

helena I love your lil pumpkin glories.. Becky I could never tire of seeing your bloom pics..

Gautier, MS

I don't have any blooms today but look what I found blooming along the road going home from town. It gets mowed (spelling, not one of my things) quite often from summer on, anyway it just caught my eye. I don't go out too often or maybe slow enough to have seen it before.

This message was edited Sep 29, 2009 4:59 PM

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A beautiful pandurata Helena. They probably keep it mowed so often that it has never had time to set buds much less bloom and set seeds.
Keep an eye out for seed pods although it does take the seeds a while to mature. They will probably mow the vine long before then.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Dig er up and transplant to a pot.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, y'all! The DFNM is putting out some weird blooms now. I have no idea what is going on. Still not a single solitary seed pod either! Grr ... I will be growing another one indoors in hopes I get seeds.

Helena - I would check out the roadside pandurata and cut any stems with seed pods forming on it! Then stick those vines in water and see if you can't get a few seed pods to ripen. Are they protected plants in your state? Some states they are, if I am not mistaken.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

wow those are all amazing blooms just love MGs
started to collect my seeds last week using clear plastic cup and writing on them to keep track of what is what
will plant more next year and will have to get seeds of new ones

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