free seeds

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi, I'm looking for free seeds for interesting plants that my students can grow. I'm having them propagate plants for science, but also want to do a Spring plant sale to help fund their class trip. Some of the plants my students expressed interest in were Dutchman's Pipe, Adeniums, Plumeria, Vinca, Sensitive plants, and carniverous plants (of course). We'll also be growing Moringa trees (I have seeds of these to trade).

Jackie Reed

You got d-mail.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi Mekos,
I would love to get some adenium, Dwarf Morning Glory and Wild Poinsettia seeds. I deeply appreciate your generosity. My husband will kill me if I spend any more money on my classroom - I think he hit the breaking point after I bought a microscope - but how can you truly study microorganisms without one?

I work with ED kids, and I find the more I expose them to plants and animals the less behavioral problems I have with them. I'm hoping to start a horticulture club (have to find a cooler name) by next year. I just know that plants are very healing to the soul.

Thank you again,


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I think I have some caudex forming morning glory seeds for your class to grow.. I will check this weekend in my seed box..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

That would be great - I didn't know that morning glories formed a caudex...

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi, Jackie:

Unfortunately, I don't have any of the seeds you're looking for, but did have a thought that might help you with your school projects. If you have a Master Gardener's group in your area, they might be able to assist you. I know our local MG group works with some of our schools and help them start grow labs and gardens (we provide seeds/plants, tools, and additional human assistance). They might be able to provide you with some additional resources to help bring your ideas to reality.
Wishing you the best of luck,

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Some of the morning glories form a fat bottom.. it looks like a dried turnip.,, and then they vine out of it.. I have two I started from seed so I think that might be fun to isn't a glory from around my neck of the woods tho..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I will check the MG group. I also think those must be very cool sunflowers and I would love to try some. I have my students saving newspaper to make pots with... they're excited.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

remember that morning glorys are posionous if ingested.. altho my children ( grown now) have never gotten sick or anything, I have alot of noxious flowers growing around here.. I just tell the children in the neighborhood to never eat or suck on anything that is in my yard, then show them the ones that will harm them and make them sick.. they just oooh and aww at the pretties.. four o' clocks are by far the easiest to grow and the sweetest smelling as well.. just again, noxious if ingested. I pluck snip and tear all my plants with my hands, and I am fine so far after all these years..
I do have some marigolds, and some sunflowers seeds if that would be better for your class..

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I would like some Sunflower seeds. The school pretty much jerked all of the funding for field trips, or anything extra. My teaching partner and I are even having to buy pencils and paper. To do our unit on microorganisms I had to borrow a microscope from another kindly DGer. So for our plant sale I'm hoping to mostly grow things that can't be found at Walmart or most nurseries. We are going to grow some things like Vincas to plant in our area to dress it up. I'm also hoping to use our plant sale to prompt admin to let me start a garder or horticulture club. Kids need to know how to grow things. Thank you so much for your help and concern. It sure takes a big village to raise kids nowadays.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I will send you a bag of MIX.... have the kids try to sort them out.. that is fun, and I will send you some identified bags for your children to have fun with.. I love helping kids to know the earth and its beauty.. too bad you have to pay out of pocket.. what is going on with the system that can't keep our children supplied with items they need to learn?

Thumbnail by joeswife

It's like that all over Debra. I use to volunteer at our local school and they were always under staffed and no money for things, we have that set up so they grow plants and sell them in spring for the gardens and flowers to make money for projects. I was always buying stuff and helping out where I could. People don't realize how hard it is for the Teachers sometimes. The students suffer if they don't buy stuff themselves, or get donations for the projects. We also did cake bakes and sold cakes donated for them.Parents would bake a cake and donate it for the sale. But with the seeds the kids can actually be involved and so much fun for them, also a learning thing.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Would you like some Chianti sunflower seeds?

Scottsdale, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hi Jackie,
if you are still interested I have seeds of Indian jujube, white hyacinth bean(dolichos lablab) and green lentils. Please LMK.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

I have Hardy Hibiscus..And will have Mexican sunflower..Shirley says they are ready..


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I am interested tubbytee and lovetropics! As soon as my download cord arrives for my camera I'll post some pictures of our plant propagating set up (a little ghetto looking, but it works) and the stuff my students have already done.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I have some great seeds that I could send you Dmail me your address

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Jackie keep doing the great job of helping these type of children. There are way to few that are willing to do so.

I have extra candy lily seeds if you would like some.

This message was edited Oct 6, 2009 1:51 PM

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