Worm advise. HELP NEEDED!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I also put 2 posts on the vermicomposting forum but not much respons. I know quite a few of GA gardners have worms. I'm in slight panic here. Since Sunday I have a worm bin with about 500 worms. We noticed yesterday quite a few underneath the food tray.
Last night DH and I went and scooped the worms from under the bin up and put them back in tray. Cloth pretty tight between bin edges, thought had solved the problem. I thought that that was the problem, the cloth had too much space.
Just now wanted to bring a little mushed up green beans and fruit pulp, and see worms on basement floor!!! A whole bunch was sitting on outside of tray. Last night quite a few where still hanging underneath the tray but we didn't want to tear them off, we tightened the cloth thinking it would be easier for them to go back to food tray.
What is it they don't like????
I'll make a picture of the bin so the real experts can have a look. Obviously I must be doing something wrong.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Haven't seen or heard of yoru type of bin before.

I knwo our worm bins are homemade and just fill with manure and put newspaper and food. The top is left open and just covere d with thick cardboard and the worms go wher e they want. Soem stay on top and some on th ebottom.

One thing I looking at is that is plastic and in the heat wondering if the worms are goign to an area wher e they cna stay cooler.

Othe r thinsg thinking about. Soem areas may be too wet or to dry and they moving to wher e they want and to an area wher e they cna get into air pockets.

We just put stuff on the top and ignore. Usually when we huntign the worms we have to dig down for them.

W just took the worm be d apart nd emotie d it the other week and almost all the worms was on the bottom. They mad e soem nic e compost and then another square box wil be built and wil start again.

Hoep ya fidn somebody who has yoru type of outfit and can help.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Starlight, thanks for advise. Well, it seems the exodus is getting slower! Tonight I found just 2 worms on outside of bin. They could have been the ones hanging down and managed to get from under the cloth and go out. I added 1Lb of good ground up food tonight, that will hopefully make them stay. It does not seem to be too dry or too wet. Temp. is good according to manufacturer.
We'll see how they are tomorrow. Thank you in any case.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Not sure how you are doing your bins, but I have mine outside.I have no problem with the red wigglers, when it comes to eating table scraps, and oak leaves. They seem to do better on the water oak leaves. Mike

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