What about that rain huh?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hope all are well in GA? Donna you're in Douglas county - that did not look too good tonight on the news. Are you ok?
Here in Dunwoody all ok. Few houses with wet but not flooded basements I would think. The main roads have incredible rivers i them but over all ok.
They say more rain coming tomorrow. It's not over yet! Lake Lanier almost at peak level.
Good night every body, sleep well.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

7 1/2 inches for us in a week so we are on the "light" end of the rain recipients. The terrible tragedies of people being swept away to their deaths. It just doesn't seem like something we worry about in Ga.
And I feel so bad for all the people whose houses are inundated and they probably don't have flood insurance.

One bit of good news is, as you said, Lake Lanier. It has such a relatively small drainage basin that it has taken this incredible rain to finally make a dent in the low levels.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I was just looking at the pics on the Gwinnett Daily post site. Unbelievable!
The schools here have been closed and we are hanging out at home. I didn't think our back yard could handle any more rain. Our septic drain field had to be replaced earlier in the summer and it was like a lake yesterday.
An elderly couple down the street woke up to their septic backing up in the yard and house.
My heart goes out to those affected by this. (((Prayers)))))

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

becky said in another thread that her DS had the septic tank back up problem. Not good. Poor people!! I hope yours holds out Raggedyann.

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