What Are You Willing To Trade For It? *Seed Auction* # 8

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to Veggie Garden theme seed auction!

This auction is hosted by MechelleT, I am simply the coordinator. Please defer all questions, comments and inquiries to MechelleT.

Up for bids is:

Cantaloupe seeds
Cauliflower seeds
Green Onion seeds
Leek seeds and
Cucumber seeds
Watermelon Seeds
Broccoli Seeds

**For each bid containing Heirloom Seeds, a Surprise gift will be added.
Surprise gifts may include seed packets, candy, gardening gloves, garden tools, etc..

Please bid in the form of PLANTS and SEED you are willing to trade ONLY.

Bidding will end at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, September 27.

Each night of the auction, MechelleT will add seeds to the auction.
For each bid, there will be a Surprise Item added.
For each edited bid, (member increasing his/her bid) seeds will be added.
Surprise gifts may include seed packets, candy, gardening gloves, garden tools, etc..

The winning bidder will be notified immediately following the auction's end via d-mail with instruction on where to mail the seeds. The winner will also be posted here on the thread.

Good Luck and have fun!

This message was edited Sep 21, 2009 6:56 PM

This message was edited Sep 21, 2009 8:27 PM

1 pack of Pinto beans
1 pack of Great northern beans
1 pack of Navy beans
1 pack Winter squash medley- 4 varietys- butterbush,early acorn hybrid, lakota, vegitable spaghetti squashes mixed.
1 pack Organic coriander
1 pack Common sage
1 pack Basil
1 pack Dill
1 pack Collards

10 seeds of - Homestead Tomatoe
10 seeds of -- Jalapeno Pepper
10 seeds of-- pickling Cucumber

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 12:10 AM
Adding to my bid...
1 pod of Giant Jalapeno pepper--hot
1 pod of Jalapa pepper--hot
1 pod of Cayanne pepper--hot
These pods are full of seeds for you to dry and take seeds. The giant jalapeno grows bigger than regular jalapeno peppers and very hot.
Jalapa is similar to Jalapeno pepper, but slightly different tast.-very hot
And Cayanne is already turning red -very hot also.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2009 12:52 PM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wow, is Mekos the only one who wants veggie seeds? Where is E1?

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I had no idea that there were veggies you could plant in the winter. Where could I find more info on that?

Spooner, WI

Sounds like just what I need for my new raised beds next year! I bid:
5 daffodill bulbs
Pack of mixed poppy seeds
Pack of mixed columbine seeds
Pack of mixed coneflower seeds
Pack of Joe Pye seeds

Well Mechelle, if my bid wins, I'll send you seeds for them. Hehehaha. Who is the winning bid tonight?

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

OH MY GOODNESS!! SORRY GUYS! I totally forgot the auction ended tonight AAAHHH!!

Who else would be the winner but Miss Mekos!!! Congratulations!!

Thanks to everyone who participated, we really do appreciate it!

Mekos, you have dmail! ;-)

Spooner, WI

Well, I hoped! :( Oh well, Maybe I can win eventually... gotta get some more stuff to bid with.

Congrats, Mekos!

Wooo Hooo. thanks Mechelle. I'm surprised more didn't bid vegetable seeds, but I'm glad because I wanted the cantelope seeds for my next garden. YE - HA ! Taking Bows.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Congrats Mekos! Way to go!!

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