Looks and smells like feverfew

Newfield, NY(Zone 5a)

I have a really obnoxious weed - it's on my top ten of weeds I hate. It's got to be in the chrysanthemum family because that's how the leaves smell. I as guessing feverfew, because I know that can get a little out of control, but I've never planted that. The roots spread like crazy, but also go deep.

I've never seen it bloom, because I try to eradicate it before it can. Roundup works on it kind of, but since it's roots spread so widely, the plant you kill in one spot, just pops up somewhere else.

Anyone know what it is? I don't think I'll ever get rid of it.

Cynthia (N. Kansas C, MO(Zone 5b)

Do you have a picture to post?

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

My guess is it is some kind of Artemisia.

Perhaps A. vulgaris or one that spreads by numerous thin runners,matting the soil in a solid mass, A. princeps.

Round-up works. Tilling only spreads it. Pulling is useless as each tiny piece of root left will grow.

Newfield, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I just looked up A. Vulgaris on the Web, and it does appear to be that - also known as Chrysanthemum Weed. Sounds like really bad news for my perennial garden. It insinuates itself into my perennials, so I can never get it all out. Between that and creeping bellflower, I've very unhappy. I'm wondering if the seeds for these two came in on the mulch I spread several years ago. Seems to me, I didn't have them until that last load of mulch.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Reports say that A. vulgaris rarely produces viable seed in the temperate zone.


so seed transmission is very unlikely. It could have come from a stay root in the mulch or as a hitch-hiker in a nursery pot.

BTW: Japanese mugwort produces viable seed.


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