Shady corner suggestion?

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I've come to the realization that it's too darn shady in this corner for much (of my existing plant collection) to grow. Since I'm digging up things and moving them around I can probably justify the purchase of a few "fillers" for this spot.
It's dark, dry and overhung by arborvitae....
I was thinking, maybe, hostas (the resident deer would love this), hellebore, brunnera? Or should I dig up the ferns that grow all around and plant them there?
I like blooming plants, but I'm equally attracted to those with interesting foliage.
I'd love your suggestions!
Many thanks,

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

oops, here is the picture.....
The shady corner in question is the one right where I'm standing to get the photo. No sun, all day.

Thumbnail by tamberlin
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Dry shade is always a challenge. Lamium can work. What size plants are you looking to use?

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

There is a daphne - the best fragrance of all - that can go to zone 6. Pretty foliage all year long - Summer Ice - everblooming daphne. Likes the shade and likes it dry. ( you need to water to establish of course)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Here is my newly planted(in June) shady corner...
hostas, tiarella, spiderwort, hydrangea, lamium, creeping jenny, hellebores, sweet woodruff

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

I have had lots of plants blooming in spots with no direct sun. Here are a few (I'm assuming you don't want big shrubs.) There are quite a few more I haven't tried yet.

Med-small shrubs:
Itea, Gaultheria, Mahonia, Sarcococca (no blooms), Taxus

Perennials: (from large to small)
Cimicifuga, Hosta, Kirengeshoma, Smilacena, Trycirtis, Uvularia, Actaea, Anemonella, Aruncus, some Astilbe, Brunerra (does better with some sun), Carex (no bloom but some variegated), Dicentra, Helleborus, Polemonium, Pulmonaria, Ajuga (some), Asarum, Galium, Lamium,

Impatiens (New Guinea), Nemophila, Torenia, Viola

Ferns: (no bloom but some have mottled leaves)
Athyrum nipponicum "Ghost" or "Jap.Painted Fern"

That ought to keep PlantFiles in business for awhile!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you for all your suggestions! I'm going to have to do some research!

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