Redworms turning gray

Columbia, SC

Is this a problem?

How long have they been turning colors? Do they seem to be behaving normally? Have you fed them something different lately?

Columbia, SC

All worms eat the same thing, coffee ground, cardboard,kitchen straps & old bread. But only a few worms are Gray, all seem fine.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

I have that problem (?) occasionally. A couple of the worms will be a strange color, mostly lighter than the others. I was told by a very knowledgeable person, that this was no problem. Once, I even took some of the gray worms and separated them into a small container. They all lived & turned back to a normal color after a few days.

Helena, MT

joji, appologies for the late response, I've been on sabatical from DG for a while. I have four large plastic bins I use for my worm cultures and the larger worms are often a grayish color. By larger I mean upwards of four inches long. Typically red wigglers in leaf piles don't reach more than two inches in length, and are a dark red color. I use peat moss as my worm bin media and typically the adult worms a large enough to use as bluegill bait.


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