One tree dealer you don't want to deal with

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

I order things from all over, seeds and plants and trees. I recently ordered 2 eucalyptus trees from a web sight called " Fast Growing Shade' or just "Fast Growing trees .com". I ordered 2' to 4' trees they came in 3 gallon pots and were well packed. I took them out of the package right away and put them in the greenhouse on the second day they both had some brown leaves. One wound up with all the leaves going brown and died the other is doing good. I tried to use their replacment tree program from their websight along with a picture of the tree that died. 5 times it kick me out so I e-mailed them and they said " sounds like a dead tree to me" and they told me to use the websight again. I finally sent a picture and a e-mail and after a long while a responce. Only after I tried their chat line help The guy musta been playing solitaire because it was a loooonnng time between resonses I finally left so then I get a code number to use on the sight and I did but it was for a 1 gallon smaller tree and it still was going to cost me 8 bucks to get a replacement AND A SMALLER ONE AT THAT so I get on the phone and the girl says yea we have the bigger ones but I don't know how to change it for you. She said "can I call you back in thirty minutes" sure I said uh uh didn't happen so I called back the next day and got a answering machine left a message for a call back and guessed it no call back so I went ahead and ordered the smaller tree and sent them a letter telling them to be prepared to be trashed on the WWW so this is the begining..thanks for letting me vent....rucky

(Zone 7a)

Go to the Garden Watchdog and post your experience there. Many of us found Dave's Garden through that part.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Also, if you could say exactly what "long time" means (seconds, minutes, hours . . .). Be very specific with all your facts, or your complaint will be just whining.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I did move a couple of shrubs, one a lilac and the other one I can't remember what it was, but it appeared dead for months after I moved it.
The lilac also had the leaves turn brown and fall off. I was just about to give up on both of them then new growth started.
They would have been pitched and given up on had I had the time to do it. They showed no signs of life at all.
So if you haven't pitched the one that appears a goner, give it a while longer. Since the other one made it, it may just need time to recover.
It takes trees and shrubs longer than perennials to start showing signs of new life once they suffer transplant shock or even a move to a different environment.

Federal Way, WA

I ordered a Cryptomeria Japonica Radicans, came in good time, no damaged and just the size they advertised. It's planted now, so we shall see how it does, but I've only had a good experience with them.

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

Well they never did get me the size tree I ordered So I accepted the smaller one and paid the 9:00 bucks. Well I must have ticked them off because when the little one came in the pot was stapled to the box with 8 big staples The big ones that they staple boxes with I worked hard to get the poor little tree out without killing it I finally just scooped it up and carried it to another pot and after a couple of days it started to loose its leaves so I moved it to a spot in the greenhouse where it could get a little rain water and trimmed alll the dieing stuff off and it looks like it will live. They still send me e-mail but I won't order from them again. Anyone who knows me will tell you I am a very quiet and nice person I have never met a stranger and Leftwood I don't wine. But the hole experience left me frustrated.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

I am very sorry, rucky. I did not mean to come across as accusative. My advice was meant to be friendly and constructive, for you and anyone else in such a situation. I have a twelve years of experience on both sides of such interactions, and can tell you that facts (along with emotion) will get you the quickest satisfaction.

But again, my apologies. It was presumptuous of me to offer advice without being asked. I wish you well.

Huffman, TX(Zone 9a)

Not a problem my friend I am probably more the exception than the rule in this case I would rather just drop the whole thing.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks rucky. I feel much better now.

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