How are your clemmies?

Appleton, WI

We are having beautiful weather this September. I have more tomatoes that I know what to do with, the basil plants are huge, I have enough hot peppers to last the winter, but the best part.... this is the first year since I've been growing clematis that cold weather hasn't shut them down for the season. Bees Jubilee, HF Young, General Sikorski, Multi Blue started blooming again. Jackmanii Superba, Madam Julia Correvon, Warsaw Nike are still blooming. Etoile Violette threw a few more blooms as did the integrifolias. Sunset, just planted this year, is blooming and continues to push out more and more buds. If the nice weather hold out, I should see blooms on Ernest Markham soon. Harlow Carr, even though I cut it back by half, it is now blooming again and has a nice amount of buds. Madame Baron Veillard's leaves are almost all brown now, but there are still are few blooms.

I was watching the weather channel and noticed that some areas in the US are getting too much rain. I hope everyone is doing ok.

Athens, PA

Hey Julia -

I did not cut mine back this year and I am regretting it. Seems mine flowered early this year and I am finding a stray Prince Charles Blossom or a stray Madame Julia Corrovan. Next year, I will cut them back so I get a much longer season.

Our summer, this past year consisted of rain almost every day. The plants loved it, but it was difficult to get out there and maintain. We had most grey skies and it was quite a cool summer.

I was thinking that perhaps there are those that still are having flushes of flowers - particularly in the warmer climates. I'd love to see some of those clems to help get us through to the next clem season.....

Here is Alabast and HF Young. This picture was taken the end of this past May..... I really like the white with the blue/lavendar.....

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I had cut my Clems back and now I am seeing new shoots putting out. I hope they dont think it is spring with this heat wave we are having.

Pekin, ND

I planted a Clem last year--finally came up in July. Now it is blooming nicely but I have lost the tag and can't remember the name. Can anyone please identify?

Thumbnail by samting
Pekin, ND

Another photo of "unknown" Clem.

Thumbnail by samting
Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

Don't know but it sure is purty. All mine were too young this year except 'My Angel' (bought a big one) and Sweet Autumn (young but unstoppable). I hope someone knows which one that is so I can add it to my future purchase list.

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

Most of mine are in their creep or sleep year, so I really haven't gotten much in the way of blooms this year. BUT, next year should be nice! I can't wait to see them all bloom like nuts. I've cut them back earlier this spring and summer, so didn't get much bloom. The best one I've seen and grown yet is my Crystal Fountain. A bloom machine and what blooms! Beauties!

Thumbnail by kentstar
Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

Another image of Crystal Fountain close up

Thumbnail by kentstar
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

kentstar - beautiful! Is this their second year? Mine gave me just three perfect blooms and then went back to sleep.

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, it is the second year. Thankyou!
The funny thing is, last year when I was weeding my garden, I accidentally wacked off the clem down to a six inch stub! All I could say was "Oh $#&%!" Da&%!
It had NO leaves then and just stuck out of the ground bare.
So, I decided to keep it watered as if it was still there, and lo and behold, this year it's taking off well! Don't figure! lolol
I guess they really do like some rough treatment!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Kent, I did the exact same thing to Suzanne this year. It took awhile, but she's back up. I just take the attitude that I helped her establish her roots :)

JJ, I have John Huxtable and Anna Louise blooming again. It's so nice to see the arbor filled with blooms in late September!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Rebecca is blooming again! She didn't look so good during the height of the summer but now WOW!

everything I planted late is doing great. I bought a few that I cut back severly when I planted and I cannot believe the new growth.

My sweet autumn is doing it's thing covering a yucky half dead tree and the babies I was growing out are in the ground.

for my first year with clematis I am pretty pleased with my success.

Baton Rouge, LA

Congrats, Book! I think we've all been pleasantly surprised quick successes this year. Who knew clems were so tolerant of newbies?! =)

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

This year Clematis next year poppies!

I couldn't get poppies to grow for anything so next year I will be out there in February sprinkling seeds in the snow.

(and more clems, roses, hydrangea and delphimium) I am already making a list for next spring. I seem to be able to grow the hard stuff but the easy things elude me somehow.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2009 10:39 PM

Baton Rouge, LA

Sounds like me... zinnias are my arch nemesis. I can keep the roses blackspot free and healthy, but my zinnias consistently succumb to fungus the moment I even think about putting them in the garden!

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