What Wrong?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

My beautiful helioconia is sick. All the flowers are like these pics.

What should I do?



Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Happy_1, from my experience. These plants prefer shady area and they appeared to tolerate high humidity. Yours look as if they bloom were spent, just a normal progression. I love their exotic blooms. They need winter protection here in my zone. Are yours planted in the garden? How long have you had them?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Lily,

This is a large clump about 3 years old. There is another, another variety, about 30' away which is fine.

The clump with all the dead stuff did fine with our last winter, but the other was a wimp and got burned and is fine now.

The dead stuff one is in full sun, the other is partial shade. Both have been doing great up til now.

Could it just be that it bloomed all at once and now they're dying all at once?



Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hap. I saw a fellow DG who raises gorgeous 'Lobster Claws' in Australia, I hope he would stop by and share his knowledge with us. Like I've mentioned, I love these plant. But I really don't know much about their culture. Perhaps, you can post your question on the Australia Gardening Forum?

This is where DG is wonderful, we're able to share/exchange ideas with gardeners all over the world! I love it.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

We are FAMILY, Lily.

I will try the Aussie form. Have a friend over on that form and haven't chatted in a while.


Keaau, HI

A lack of moisture can shorten their flowering time. In hot areas they do need some shade. If it is hot and dry outside they will need to be watered regularly.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Thanks for answering. Don't tell anyone but my sprinkler system is set to go off every other day. What puzzles me is that they have been fine for 3 years. It could be that they have done this before this time of year and it was not noticed. They are in our full sun, but none of the leaves show any signs of stress.

Go figure.


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