Weigela My Monet growing too slowly

Pleasantville, NY(Zone 6b)

Granted, it has been a heck of a summer in the Northeast (zone 6) with a lot of rain and very few hot days. This is my first season with 2 Weigela My Monet, which are in containers and receive some morning sun. I have fertilized them perhaps twice, but both have barely grown since I received them in early summer and are now 6" in their 12" diameter container. I have read that they are slow growing. Should I wait until a normal summer occurs before I judge them, move them to a sunnier location, put them in a smaller container until they're bigger, or just keep them inside as a house plant (which would probably prevent blooming)?

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

My weigela wine & roses was a slow grower the first year, it received afternoon sun, I moved it to a sunnier location and it doubled it's growth rate. As for a 'normal' summer I'm not assuming next summer will be any different. I've decided to try to adapt to the new climate.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i would not bring them in - in fact i would plant them in the ground and let them grow. i have one and it also is not very big.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, plant it in the ground. Mine is doing well, but growing slowly. But it's noticeably bigger than when first planted last year.

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